Chapter 9: The Face Off

Start from the beginning

Vlad turned over a table as his eyes turned blood red and his fangs appeared. "Fools, fools! What devil or what witch was ever so great as Attila whose blood flows in these veins."

Vlad held up his arms as I looked around. Everyone had a mixed look of shock and awe on their faces. "Is it a wonder that we were a conquering race and that we were proud? To us entrusted for centuries, the guarding of our lands. As the Magyar, the Lombard, the Avar, the Bulgar, or the Turk poured their thousands on our frontiers we drove them back." 

I listened to Vlad's tale of the history of Transylvania and wanted to cut him off but he was having fun and Uma had a terrified look on her face so I let him continue. "My family has forever been the heart's blood and the sword of our people. One of my own race who as Voivode crossed the Danube under the flags of Transylvania and Wallach and destroyed the Turkish host though sometimes beaten back he came again and again against the enemy till at the end he came alone from the bloody field for he alone could triumph. This was a Dracula indeed."

Vlad then took a seat next to me as Uma regained her composure after hearing Vlad's tale. "Here's the deal." 

"Just like your mother, always a catch." I sneered as Uma sat at the table and challenged me to an arm wrestling match.

"You win Ben is free to go." Uma smiled deviously. 

I put my arm up on the table as I smirk, accepting the challenge.

"Don't you want to know what I get if I win?" She asked innocently.

"Still dreaming." I replied.  

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had everything figured out. How well did that work out for again?" Uma replied, attempting to get under my skin but I wasn't in the mood. 

"One." I said. 

"Two." Uma said 

"Three " We both said together as our arm wrestling match got underway.

"You know that whole princess act, never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain." Uma taunted. 

"And you can stick a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy." I taunted back, breaking Uma's focus enough for me to get a lead on her. I took advantage of the lead as I kept pushing Uma's arm down and my eyes turned green.

"If I win you bring me the wand." Uma said.

Vlad's Pov 

When I heard Uma say that I saw Mal's focus break and the  green glow of her eyes fade. Uma used the distraction to win as the crowd cheered.

"Now if you want Beastie Boy back you bring me Fairy Godmother's wand to my ship tomorrow at 12 noon sharp." Uma smirked. She pushed her hair away and looked at me as I  growled at her and then she turned back to Mal. "Oh if you two blab you can kiss the king goodbye and Vlad you better watch yourself Leone is coming after you." 

"Let him come, I shall be waiting." I replied.

Uma then blew us a kiss and waved goodbye as we got up to leave. Mal had a mad and disappointed look on her face as I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and we left the restaurant to return to the Vks Hideout and tell the rest of the gang what happened.

"There is no way we're going to give Uma the wand. We can let her destroy Auradon." Evie said.

"Uma doesn't get the wand then Ben is toasted." Carlos said to Evie. 

"So we're going to give Uma of all people the wand?" Evie replied in disbelief.

The Vks were arguing and I was angry at this point but then an idea came to mind so I hit the table with a loud bang.

"Silence!!!" I snapped out loud.

The Vks all jumped in fear as they turned to me. 

"Uma is like a fox, she is clever but there are ways to out wit the fox." I told them.

Mal looked at me and nodded.
"Vlad's right guys, Carlos your 3D printer."

"A phony wand." Carlos realized.

"Yeah."  I said to Carlos as I walked up to Mal.

"In my sleep." Carlos replied.

"But the second Uma tests the wand she will know that it is a fake." Evie reminded us. 

"Okay so we get Ben out really fast and we need some kind of diversions." Mal suggested. 

"Smoke bombs." Jay said.

"That's perfect! I'll get the chemicals from Lady Termaine's place. That will work." Evie said as she walked to Mal and looked at her hair. "Sick hair by the way, Evil Stepmom seriously stepped up her game." 

"Okay you want to know something? Dizzy did this." Mal replied.

"Little Dizzy, shut up." Evie said as she was impressed at Dizzy's work.

I just stood with Carlos and Jay.

"I will never understand why girls would compliment each other's hair." I said as Carlos said Jay nodded in agreement. 

"Wow it's a lot lighter." Evie pointed out.

Mal nodded. "Yeah I'm really loving it."

"I'm really proud of her." Evie smiled. 

Then I cleared my throat to get Mal and Evie’s attention.

"Hello." Carlos said. 

"Right. Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirate's Bay no later than noon. Guys losing is not an option here because we're rotten…. Mal began.

"To the core." The Vks finish.

Mal turned to me and I gave her a smile.

"To the Core." I said.

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