Their First Text

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It's been three days since he had a lengthy conversation with a girl named 'Sakura'.

Two days since he saved her number on his personal phone.

And a day since he has been contemplating whether he sends her a message or not.

He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy their talk. Even though it was mostly her driving the conversation, with a few remarks of his own, and responding to her questions, he admired how genuine she sounded. He easily lets himself get carried away by her stories; how she's still years away from her dream, her school woes - things he couldn't relate to but found interesting.

So it surprised him when she informed him that they had been both chatting for hours since they connected. And that she has to leave, but not without giving him her phone number.

Before he could get to scold her for being unethical, she was gone in a second.

He hasn't visited the platform again since he met her, because she is only a text away from him.

Holding his phone in his hand, her name and contact number blaring on the screen, he ponders over his decision: to text her or not. Would she still remember him? If she does reply, what then? He closes his eyes. Naruto is out of the question, so is Kakashi. His older brother would be unforgiving, and his mother would ask for grandbabies.

He groans, realizing he is making a big deal out of his petty situation. He slides open his phone and begins to tap.

He hits 'Send'.

Sakura, it's Sasuke.
10:03 AM

He leaves his phone on the bar counter, and grabs himself a glass of orange juice to clear off his mind and keep his eyes away from the device. However, he feels anxious.


The guy who hates crowds, Sasuke-kun?
10:04 AM

Her message reads. He rolls his eyes at her response yet he smirks in relief. He is about to come up with a reply when a loud ringing sound from his laptop catches his attention. He makes a quick dash to answer the call, and leaves his phone on the counter.


She is studying in the university library when she receives the most unexpected text message of her life. She almost drops her textbook as she reads the brief content, a smile instantly forming on her lips while she types her reply. Without hesitation, she hits 'Send'.

She couldn't explain it, but her heart feels unbearably giddy.

After a day of not hearing from him, she completely stops hoping he would try reaching out to her and does her best to forget him and try her luck next time in making friends off the internet.

Unfortunately, she has never visited the site again after that encounter.

That's why when she reads the message, she is left dumbfounded in her seat and unable to contain her excitement.

Her phone suddenly beeps, 10:10 AM - TOXICOLOGY - Shizune.

In a swift movement, she gathers her things and leaves for her next class. Along the way, she wonders if he would ever reply back, but then remembers he is probably working during those hours. Also, why would she care about his response and how long it takes? It's not like she has a crush on him. Her eyes widened. No, no, no. Of course not. That is absolutely crazy.

Sasuke is still a stranger.

Shaking her head, she jogs up to her next class, the thought of her friend brushed to the side.

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