Chapter 6- Interviews

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"Hey." JJ says, sitting down on the couch. "How'd you do?" I begin to walkover. "Fine. You?" I ask. "It was alright." He says. I decided to take a shower and put on some fresh clothes. We all sit on the couch and wait for our training scores. A couple of careers got tens. Vera got a nine. Mox earned an eight. Then it was time for JJ. "Ten!" Peeta cheers. "Now for Willow from District 12, with a score of...10!" Caesar Flickerman announces from over the television. Everyone congratulates us. We sit down to eat dinner and talk. JJ cracks a couple of jokes, that we all laugh at. Like when Haymitch asks us what we did for the gamemakers. I said that I shot some arrows and JJ said that he danced. Everyone began to laugh. I almost choke on the bite of soup that I had just taken. "I'm not kidding!" JJ says smiling. "It was a beautiful interpretive number." He laughs a little. I imagine JJ dancing. I almost wish he actually did. Afterwards we sit on the couch and watch reruns of the reaping ceremonies and try to spot the other tributes in the crowd. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" I ask Effie who stands next to me. "Well I'm glad you asked!" She says enthusiastically. "We will be coaching you two for your interviews. Haymitch and Peeta will help with the talking portion and Katniss and I will help with your physical appearances." Effie says. "Sounds like fun." I say sarcastically. "Attitude!" Effie exclaims. I just look at JJ and roll my eyes. Katniss sees me and gives me a small smirk. "Why don't you two get ready for bed." Effie says in an unnecessarily stern voice. I get up and ever so slightly brush past her as I walk by. I hope that annoyed her even more. I go to my room and put on a silky nightgown. As I climb into bed I remember something. I quickly grab a piece of paper and a pen. I scribble out the word "allies" in my messy handwriting. Who do I want as an allie? Vera. Vera and Mox. No. Vera, Mox, and JJ. Perfect I think. Hopefully none of them end up backstabbing me. I carefully fold up the paper and slide it under Katniss's door.
The next morning is another rude awakening. At eight o'clock we are woken up by Effie. She tells us that I will start off with her and Katniss and JJ will be with Peeta and Haymitch. We started off practicing walking with heels on, which I wasn't bad at. Effie does almost all of the talking. I don't take Katniss as the type to give heel-walking lessons, I assume that's why Effie is here. Peeta's a good talker. He has a way with words. I've heard him give a couple of speeches. I wonder why Haymitch is here. JJ and I already have mentors. Maybe he was afraid they'd give bad advice? Whatever the reason is it must be to help Katniss and Peeta. There's no reason to want to come out to the Capitol and watch kids you know get killed. I guess maybe for the food. I doubt it though. Possibly alcohol. After I'm done with Effie and Katniss, which took a few painful hours, it was time for Haymitch and Peeta. "We are gonna ask some questions that Caesar might ask and coach you on how to respond. Sounds good?" Peeta asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Now Effie would have made you say 'Yes'. But that's alright." Haymitch says.

"Yes." I say with a small smile.

"So, Willow how has your time in the Capitol been?" Peeta asks.

"It's been good." I say.

Haymitch practically cringes. "Give us more detail on that." Peeta says.

"The beds are nice, and the food." I say with a shrug.

"Better." Haymitch says.

"Do you have any special skills?" Peeta asks.

"I can use a bow and arrow, as well as tie some knots." Haymitch gives me a look. "What? I just feel like I'm gloating." I say.

"Trust me, you're not. Who would be jealous of 'I can tie some knots'. Try again." Haymitch mocks.

"I thought you said my interview didn't matter." I say shaking my head.

"I don't remember saying that. I was probably drunk." Haymitch argues.

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