Chapter 2- The train

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It was time to get on the train to the Capitol. Once we reach the train Katniss and Peeta greet us. "Hello. My name is Peeta and this is Katniss." Peeta says putting his hand on Katniss's shoulder. "We know." Says JJ. I don't think he was trying to sound rude, but it was a little. I don't say anything. I walk into the train following Peeta. Katniss waits behind us, talking to the man I believe is Haymitch. "I will be your mentor, JJ. Katniss will be your mentor, Willow." Says Peeta. I nod silently. I was feeling anxious, but I found Peeta's voice calming. Peeta shows us our rooms and gives us a tour of the rest of the train. Then, the man who I presumed to be Haymitch starts talking to us. He introduces himself, other than that I didn't listen to any of it. I'm not sure why Haymitch is here. Maybe to help Katniss and Peeta mentor? I stare out the window as the train begins to move. "Alright you two, enjoy the ride." Haymitch says concluding his speech. I turn to JJ. "What did he say?" I ask. "Some stuff about interviews and training." He says smiling at me. Good thing he actually listened. That's the good thing about JJ. The reason why he is more likely to win than I am. He knows how to listen, to follow directions. I usually find myself doing my own thing. I sit down on a nearby seat along the right side of the train. I sat there for about half an hour until I felt someone sitting next to me. At first I didn't bother to turn around and see who it was. "Willow, right?" I hear. I turn and see Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. "Yes." I respond. "You're friends with my sister Prim, right?" She asks. "Acquaintances." I respond. It's true we were not friends. Simply two girls who had talked a couple of times. We only ever really talked when one of us needed to borrow a pencil or we were partnered up for an assignment. "Oh. Well she says you're very nice." Katniss responds. I doubt Prim has ever said that, but I smile. "I know this is scary. We're all here to help you though." Katniss says. Her words sound as if they were scripted, but somehow she said exactly what I needed to hear. I nod. And then I remember that I hadn't said anything yet. It somehow felt disrespectful. "Thank you." I say as she begins to walk away. After all, she is the person that partially determines whether I live or die in the arena. She doesn't respond, but gives a slight, sad smile. I stay seated for a while. I was nervous to get up and look around. JJ wasn't. He walked around the whole train at least five times. "Not much of a talker are ya?" Haymitch asks. I smile and laugh to myself for a moment. I'm usually not super chatty anyways. "Not now at least." I say. "Well we're having dinner now if you'd like to join us." Haymitch says. I follow him to a large table in the middle of the train. There's more food there than I have ever seen in this my whole lifetime. There was a large pig in the center of the table and surrounding that were dishes of mysterious foods I had never seen before. I sit down next to JJ and across from Katniss. I notice Effie sits at the far end of the table. I wasn't very hungry given the situation, but there was so much delicious food. I make myself a plate of mashed potatoes, turnips, and some type of meat. Those were the only foods that I was familiar with. I look over and see JJ. He had a plate full of many different things. A stew that he has catches my eye. I get myself some. It's lamb with dried plums. "That ones my favorite." Katniss says. Ah, so this is the famous lamb stew that Katniss mentioned in her interview. I personally don't like it, but I lie and say it's delicious so I don't somehow offend her. I ate more than I had ever eaten. After we eat dinner, Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, and Effie sit down with JJ and I at a round table. "We figured you two might have some questions that we might be able to answer regarding the games." Haymitch says as he takes a swig of his drink. It looks like whiskey. "Are we gonna have the chance to learn how to use weapons and start a fire?" JJ asks politely. I thought his question was a little stupid. What do you think? They're just gonna send us into the arena not knowing how to do anything? Sometimes, with certain tributes it sure seems like it. "Yes. In the training center you will have the opportunity to learn how to use a variety of different weapons." Katniss responds. "You will also be able to learn skills like how to camouflage yourself and build fires." Peeta chimes in. JJ nods his head. Both Katniss and Peeta look at me. "Any questions Willow?" They ask. I probably can think of some questions, just not right now. My mind is still feeling jumbled after being reaped. I sit there for a bit trying to think of a question. I can't think of anything to say so I shake my head. "All tributes will have 3 days of training before the games." Haymitch says. JJ and I both nod our heads. After dinner there is dessert. I politely decline the offer of all of the different cakes, puddings, pies, and more and head to my room. I stand in the doorway admiring the room. The one bedroom is easily the size of my whole house back in District 12. I walk in and almost instantly plop myself down on the large, king size bed. I lay there for a while. It's like laying on a cloud. I finally sit up and walk over to the bathroom and get dressed in the sleep wear provided in the drawers of a large bureau. The silk of the nightgown I dressed myself in feels soft on my skin. I keep the lights on and fall into my bed. I immediately drift off to sleep. The next morning I wake up and lay in bed for another fifteen minutes. I honestly didn't want to get up and see JJ and the rest of the crew. Finally I hear a knock on the door and am roused by the voice of Effie Trinket, who was telling me it was time to get up for breakfast. I get up and get changed into a pair of grey pants and a black sweater. When I walk out of my room I see JJ sitting down for breakfast with Peeta and Katniss. Haymitch doesn't seem to be up yet. I wasn't in the mood to talk again today and try to turn around and walk back into my room. Effie's voice stops me. "Aren't you going to join us?" I roll my eyes before I turn fully around facing Effie. I walked into the room where we ate dinner and sat down. I figured I needed to turn things around and start talking. "When are we supposed to arrive at the Capitol today?" I ask. I didn't actually care at all when we arrived, I just wanted to start a conversation. "Very soon, at about eleven o'clock." Peeta responds. I nod my head. I wasn't very interested in breakfast. But I wanted to be polite. I ate two bites of eggs and a couple sips of a drink they call hot chocolate, which was quite delicious. After breakfast we arrived at the Capital. I have only ever seen the Capitol on television before at the square. It was even bigger than it looked on screen. There were buildings that towered over one another and architecture unlike anything in district 12. "Incredible, isn't it?" Effie exclaims. It truly was incredible. As we enter the Capitol, people surround our train. Katniss and Peeta wave out the window. JJ and I wave too. It is time to exit the train. A group of odd looking people Katniss calls my "prep team" joins us on our ride to the place where they will make me pretty to get me ready for the parade of tributes. I hear them whispering all around me which ticks me off. I look at Katniss. "Willow, this is Flavius, Venia, and Octavia. You will meet Cinna later." I smile at the three odd looking people.

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