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Chapter 11

⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆


"Applejack, what happened?" I asked again, this time with more volume. We were both at our normal meeting spot, standing in the middle of the park. The air was warm, as it always was, the beams of sunlight peeked through the tall trees above us.

I was honestly sick of this weather. I used to love the warmth, mostly because it was easy to choose clothes those days. But after all the repeats, I didn't carry the same joy. I wanted something new, something different.

It was amazing how much I took for granted.

Applejack stood in front of me, refusing to answer the question. I took a step forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Applejack, we don't have time for this," I told her with a firm voice.

She stood there in silence, trying to gather up her thoughts. "Do you wanna go to Canterlot?" she suddenly asked.


"Yeah, yeah, Canterlot. Sounds better than lame Ponyville, doesn't it?"

"Applejack, darling-"

She grabbed onto my hand. "Come on, I'll get an Uber. Do you have money on you?"

"Obviously not! Applejack stop this nonsense right now-"

With her free hand, she reached into her back jean pocket pulling out a credit card. When she saw the worried expression on my face, she was quick to 'reassure' me. "Don't worry - it ain't mine. It's Granny Smith's."

I yanked my hand away from her's. "So we're stealing now?"

"Rarity, calm down. Everything's gonna reset tomorrow, so why does it matter?"

I folded my arms to my chest, offended. "Because it matters to me? I want to wake up knowing that I won't die. And you're hiding something that could potentially help us out of this."

She heaved a sigh. "Rarity, I understand your pain, but can't we have a little fun while we're stuck here?"

She 'understands' my pain? I scoffed. "Applejack, stop it. You not telling me what happened is not solving anything."

She took a deep breath, "If you go with me, I'll tell you exactly what happened yesterday. Every single detail."

I looked back at Applejack, who had the credit card in her hand, awaiting my response. I clicked my tongue slowly nodding to the idea.


My arms were still crossed when she tugged on one, which caught me off guard. I extended my hand to her shoulder, stopping myself before completely losing balance. "Good. Because I already called an Uber a while ago," she admitted with a light chuckle.


As we set foot onto the city, Applejack tugged on my arm giving me a big smile. I forced an awkward grin back, not knowing what was going on.

It was strange, she had been acting differently the whole day. She seemed excited about the smallest things. In the car ride, she pointed out some basic grocery stores, then went on a full rant about the fruits there.

It kept me wondering what happened while she went off to see her mother.

Her acting like this imposed a guilty feeling onto me. I shouldn't have been so selfish, I should have gone with her.

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