"Guys, I just remembered where I heard the name 'Goldshore.' That's where the kids are from. The school we saved was their school!"

"Then the teacher..." Data-Bank began to say.

"She must've been the teaching assistant or something. I remember from the news now that she couldn't go on the trip because she was in the hospital, I think."

"But their school was targeted." Godai said. "What if they get in harm's way again?"

"They know to call us." Swiftshock supplied.

"And we shall come right away." Pensar concluded.

The teacher, Miss Maya, looked at the heroes, then walked over with the group of kids following like ducklings.

"I can't believe you found my kids. I don't know how much I'm supposed to thank you."

"You don't have to." Pensar said. "We're just happy their safe and sound. Now, if you would please excuse us, the President would like us on the stage."

The teens said goodbye to the kids one last time as they went back to their parents. As the heroes were climbing up the stage, the news cameras and reporters filed in front of the stage, ready to ask questions and get responses. They took their places standing in a row behind the President as he went up and stood behind the podium. Cameras flashed in his face as he began.

"My fellow Americans, and fellow human beings of the world, this past week, the entire world came under threat. Not from an external force, but grown from right here in the United States, as dozens of our nation's allies' missiles were highjacked and sent on a course to destroy densely minority-populated cities in our country. Had this plot not been un-foiled, the terrorist responsible, the leader of the radical group known as the Shepherd's Flock, would have used this to take America and have her start a third World War. Thankfully, this did not come to pass, as a mysterious and valiant group of heroes went above and beyond to stop this threat, and apprehend the perpetrators. I present them to you now, our saviors!"

The President led a resounding round of applause as the crowd stood and cheered, and the cameras flashed incessantly. The heroes waved sheepishly and thought that they didn't deserve all of this pomp and circumstance. The President calmed the crowd down and continued.

"I would now like to invite the leader of their team, Pensar, to say a few words and answer any questions you might have."

President Hernández gave the podium to Pensar, who stood rigid and nervous. Looking out at the crowd, he found he could not speak, and stammered.

"Uh... w-well, I honestly do not know what to say exactly, so to start, why don't I answer a few questions for you?"

The reporters took the bait as they jumped out of their seats and raised the microphones and recorders as high as they could. Pensar chose a female reporter in a beige suit right in front of him.

"How long had your group been prisoners of the terrorist?"

"Uh, many years, we were taken from our homes, and our families were killed in front of us to make us compliant."

"What is the identity of the terrorist?" A male reporter asked.

"Due to the nature of the position he once held, his name for the moment will not be revealed, due to expectant retaliation against his family, who are believed to be innocent and ignorant of any crimes."

"Was this man responsible for the disappearance of the group of elementary school children?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes, after they had come into contact with an extraterrestrial element, that temporarily gave them abilities, like us, before our teammate Serket was able to rescue us and take the element out."

Cameras flashed and zoomed in on Serket behind him, who didn't know what to do besides stand there.

"Is he also responsible for the disappearance of the graduates from the United Nations Youth Academy?"

Pensar and the other dreaded this question, but knew it would be brought up eventually. Thankfully the President was a man of his word and did not reveal their identities.

"Yes, he was. The graduates... they stumbled upon the activities of the Shepherd's Flock, and were imprisoned. I deeply regret to say that we were unable to help them, as they tried to escape before we did, and they were executed as a result, their bodies cremated and scattered."

This was the final nail in the coffin, so to speak. They were now officially dead to the world. Hopefully, this would mean that no one would bother their families, asking more questions.

"I would like to say this, though. That in the brief time we knew them, they told us about their school, and the message it taught. That this world is full of fear, ignorance and hate. But it is our duty as human beings, brothers and sisters on this planet, to combat these evils, and make the world a better place for all. In their memory, my team and I promise to help fight injustices all over the word, not just the United States, and help people to understand one another. We will fight to help replace fear with understanding, ignorance with acceptance, and replace hate with love."

At the end of his speech, the group received a standing ovation. Pensar bowed as he made his way back to his friends and the President took the podium again.

Nice speech, mate. Data-Bank thought to Pensar.

Gracias. He responded.

I wonder what we'll do now. Swiftshock thought to them all.

What we promised to do when we graduated, and help in whatever way. Godai answered.

Why do I get the feeling we're forgetting something, though? Genus asked.

"And to help the team," the President began again, "The United Nations held an emergency meet in the last few days, with a more official debate to follow soon. The nations of the world have agreed that the heroes will work under their authorization, but the team themselves will choose where and how to help best, in the interest of politics not getting in the way of their humanitarian mission."

"What about that THING behind you?" One radical reporter called out, wearing a cheap suit, and pointing to Serket. She flinched at the point, and Shadow Hound growled at the man.

"The HERO behind me," President Hernández answered, "is the owner of the ship behind us that saved our lives, and as a small token of our gratitude, she has been offered full asylum on this planet, and is more than welcome in our country, and our allies'."

The team behind him smiled and patted Serket's shoulders in reassurance. Shadow Hound howled in response.

"And that?" the same reporter asked about Shadow Hound.

"Well, every team needs a dog." The President answered, making the crowd laugh, and the reporter sit down in embarrassment.

"I wish now not to keep us here any further than necessary, so may I present to you once again, our heroes, the super team! The... uhh...," the President faltered, then turned behind to face the team and ask, "I'm very sorry, but I never asked; what is the name of your group?"

The heroes looked at each other in confusion, then a light bulb suddenly went on in Genus' mind, and he exclaimed,

"Man, I KNEW we forgot something!"


(See next part forepilogue)

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