Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Jailbreak

After what Abby had guessed was five days, based on the number of meals provided, since Coal was returned to them, she decided it was time for her to attempt escape. Even if she might die in the attempt, she couldn't stay here any longer, being examined, tortured if she didn't comply. Her only regret for this plan was that if she tried and failed, her friends would suffer the same fate. The first thing she would do would be to break them out, but there was always the possibility she couldn't get to them in time, and if she could, they couldn't fight back, not with the collars on their necks. She decided she would cross that bridge when she came to it.

She waited until the next time the doctor sent for her for examination. Whenever the doctor had her, he always tested how much electricity she could produce and absorb. And at the end of every test, before the doctor cut the power, Abby always felt this surge, a pull, as if telling her to keep absorbing the energy. But Abby didn't, for fearing it might be a trick, or if real, it would be too much for her to handle. Now though, she thought that might be the ticket out.

It was two more feedings which signified 24 hours had passed before the twins came to escort Abby to the doctor. She was silent to the Tweedles for the first time in a while, wanting to save all her energy for Dr. Gene. As the guards wheeled her out, Theo called just before they exited the cellblock.

"If you can, mate, give that doc a swift shock!"

Abby still couldn't figure out how Theo could speak in complete sentences now, but chalked that up to either stress, fear, or defiance. As the twins took her through the corridors of whatever building they were in, Abby remembered the turns they took, so she could follow the path back. That is, if her attempt worked. The guards brought her back to the lab and put her in her case. Around it was the usual assortment of machines and generators, with wires fitted inside the case to be attached to her. Dr. Gene was standing behind his control console, preparing for testing. He looked up at Abby and deactivated her collar, telling her to remove it and gently set it down. Abby complied with the first request, but not the second for instead of gently setting it, she opened her hands and let it drop to the floor, broken. Whenever the collar was off, she was more defiant as energy built up inside her.

The doctor did not find it amusing and used the sonic noise as punishment, with Abby crouching on the floor, trying to cover her ears. After a few seconds, he turned the sound off.

"You do know I have dozens of those made? It makes no difference how many you break."

Abby got up and said with boldness, "That the best ya got, dag?"

"You'll see exactly what I can do, soon. For now, prepare for your test."

Abby went to a little table in the corner of her case and attached the electrical wires to her arms using the adhesive pads on the ends. She felt her own body generating electricity, but now she was prepared to receive a whole lot more. She was probably the only one of her friends who enjoyed the tests, as they fueled her with power, making her feel invincible. Dr. Gene pressed a button, then said,

"Now beginning electrical absorption test. Parameters: going to full charge to test the limits of Sparky's abilities."

Oh, ya ain't seen nothing, yet, Abby thought.

The generator hummed to life and Abby felt the surge of energy entering through her arms. It had the same tickling feeling, but Abby was concentrating on storing the energy instead of letting it arch around her body. Usually, she let the electricity escape because she enjoyed the sensation. Not this time, as she was focused on her personal mission. The generator increased its output and Abby kept it all in. She felt every muscle, every bone, vibrate with power; she was becoming a living power conductor. After the doctor had increased the output to maximum, she felt it; that pull to take more energy than the generator could give. Abby concentrated, then willed all the electricity from the generator to flow into her. When all of it was drained, she felt a pull from the connections of the case to the generator, then she started to drain the electricity from her case.

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