Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Downtime

Not surprising Val, the group made international news. News stations from every city in every country of the world was covering the story of how a grade school was saved from destruction by a group of masked heroes. Video footage showed the group outside the school, of Pensar hurtling the bomb into the air with Swiftshock and Godai shooting it, then of them being saved from the police by the children they had just saved. Val smiled to himself as he remembered.

Galdyn was with Val on the bridge, looking once again at the main screen, it showing the various news studios. Val had changed back into their casual, violet robes. Most of the news stations praised the heroes for their actions, while some questioned where they came from. A few of the less popular stations called the group criminals for interfering with police work, and saying vigilantes should not be trusted. Whatever was being said about them, they were now known to the world.

"Whatever hope you had... for secrecy... is now gone."

"True, but right now, my only regret is we could not get any information out of the fanatics."

"Maybe we shouldn't've kicked all their arses then, eh?"

Abby walked onto the bridge, wearing the same clothes as Val.

"We went too gung-ho on them."

"Yes, but I have a feeling. Now that we were made public, the General will move against us. Even if we did not get the lackeys to talk, we'll know where he is soon enough."

Galdyn turned to them and said. "And what... will you do then?"

"What do ya mean?" Abby asked. "We'll beat him, and—"

"And what if you cannot? What if... he harms you, or worse... bends you... to his will? Now that you... have all made yourselves known... he will use... his full power against you. He might use... your families... against you. Harm innocent people... just to hurt you. I have seen enough... of war, death and destruction. I wish not... to see more. To see you... thrust in the middle."

"We have no choice," Val replied. "General Sheppard planned to begin whatever his plan is in America first. He would hurt people whether we were around or not. At least with us, we have a chance to stop him."

"All our families were in danger the moment he took us," Abby added. "All we can do is try and expose him, stop whatever his plans are."

"And what... are his plans?" Galdyn asked.

"We didn't see him around long enough to ask." Abby answered. "But with those goons in Goldshore shouting the name Shepherd's Flock to the world, you can bet he's gonna act soon."

"So, we have to be ready," Val concluded. "For whatever may happen next. If we can't, everyone suffers."

Galdyn began to walk away, a thoughtful look on his face. He turned back to the two and said,

"You two have... such strong conviction. You lead your friends well. The burden you bear... is greater than most... can imagine. I do hope... you overcome it."

With that, Galdyn retired to his room. Val and Abby stayed, thinking over what to do, and what Galdyn said.

"Who would've thought this would happen after we graduated." Val said, laughing quietly.

"Not me. I should be home right now, getting annoyed to death by my folks." Abby thought for a bit then said, "Do you think we'll ever see our families again?"

"That is one of the few thoughts that keeps me going. Also, that I believe we will win."

Abby smiled at that, then said, "Galdyn said we lead well. Do you want the job?"

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