Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Experimentation

"Well, let's go down the list. Let's start with Subject A. Prepare the general equipment, we're going to do this step by step. Start the recording."

The assistants were given their instructions, with the two men preparing an open space lined with various little machines and devices, while the woman walked to the group. Dr. Gene started to speak to himself.

"This is Dr. Gene Benson, about to perform extranormal ability experimentation on subjects A through E. I'm assisted by Robert Thomas, Luke Masters and Marian Bennet. All subjects are adolescent adults, ranging from eighteen to nineteen years in age, of various ethnicities. We will begin with Subject A, determining what abilities the Radiex gave him."

The woman, Marian, went to the group and opened the door to the cell. The group now realized that the beds they were on had been fitted with wheels, as the female scientist wheeled Val out of the violet-hued cell. A short time after she did, Val began to grunt and scream, his face twisted in pain. Veins in his temple were beginning to show. He writhed, but could not move due to his restraints.

"AHHHH!! My... my HEAD!"

It was not just him, as everyone in the room suffered pain in their head. His friends couldn't move as well, but the scientists fell to their knees and held their heads in their hands. Through pained grunts, Dr. Gene yelled, "GET... the... Suppressor!"

One of the male scientists, Robert, struggled to his feet, and went to one of the tables. He picked up a helmet-like device, flipping switches and pushing buttons on it, then he hobbled over to Val. Marian helped him to put it on Val's head, the weight of the device pulling his head down. The scientists panted, relieved the pain ended. The rest of the group pulled against their restraints, failing to break free. They kept yelling Val's name, but the helmet machine strapped on him seemed to affect him. His eyes couldn't make contact, they seemed unfocused. His mouth hung open, and the only noise he made was a meek groan.

"What did you do to him?!" Abby yelled.

Dr. Gene replied, "We made him easier to deal with. Continuing examination."

The doctor's assistants set Val's table horizontally, and surrounded him with various machines. They took wires with small adhesive pads attached and placed them at certain points on Val's body, the machines now flickering on and reading information. The group started yelling obscenities at the scientists, calling them monsters, and other more colorful insults. Dr. Gene quickly shut them up by giving them all shocks, including Val.

"Anymore outbursts, and we will test you past your limits, starting with Subject A. After all, the General does not expect ALL of you to survive."

He waited for any further sounds from the other subjects, but none came. Dr. Gene continued his monologue.

"Examination of Subject A continued. Subject is an adolescent male, of Latino origin. Prior to even beginning examination, Subject A displayed intense psychokinetic abilities, causing excruciating migraines to myself, my assistants and the other subjects. No incentive or stimulation from tests were administered. Whether this is an ability in and of itself, or merely an after effect of something else has yet to be determined. Further examination required. Brain wave readings?"

"Above normal, Doctor."

"Any other metabolic changes?"

"None showing."

"Based upon gathered evidence, my initial conclusion is that Subject A possesses and displays mainly mental abilities. Further experiments should reveal specific traits, such as telekinesis or telepathy, among others. Special designation for Subject A determined, codeword 'Psych.' Ah, I've forgotten to mention. These will only be preliminary examinations at this time, to determine any abilities created. Further subject-centered examinations and experiments will be continued later, after proper procedures can be established. For now, preliminary examining of Sub- of Psych has concluded. Fit him with the restraint."

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