Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Subjected Again

They entered Nevada airspace that morning a couple of minutes before their deadline. Precisely at 11:45 AM, they arrived at their final destination. From their viewscreen, it looked to be an abandoned bunker built into a mountain in the desert. They all stood on the bridge as they made their descent to the open sand in front of the mountain.

As they got closer, a garbled transmission broke through. Getting closer, the message came through more clearly.

"To the cloaked alien vessel, drop your shielding and camouflage, and prepare to be boarded upon landing.

They reluctantly obeyed as Selyys and Galdyn worked the controls. The rest waited uneasily in their suits. They may be surrendering, but they go as their new selves, not as lab rats. The Altimoor set down in the desert, with landing feet unfolding. A ramp extended out from the main hall of the ship. Pensar led his friends down the ramp, their arms held up in surrender. They were met by tanks, military Hummers and around fifty fully armed and armored soldiers, weapons trained.

"Come with us, and no funny business."

Do what they say for now. Pensar told his friends secretly. The others agreed.

Their armed escort led them to the mountain, where from the entrance, more SUVs and tanks rolled out to surround the Altimoor. They looked back to see, and they finally saw the outside of their temporary home for the first time. They were shown a schematic, but now they saw it for real. The outside was the color of pearl, like the inside of an oyster. The tanks and vehicles looked like toys compared to their ship by size. The main base of the ship was rounded and ovoid. The front of the ship sported two curved, prong-like structures, giving them the look of a pincer. Energy traveled on the inside of the pincers. At the end, a long thin, tail-like structure jutted out that served as a rudder or other means of propulsion. At the sides of the tail were more energy ports, glowing deep blue. The landing gear gave their ship the finishing touch of looking like a titanic, alien insect.

They saw the soldiers start to enter the ship before they were forced to turn around and face forward as they entered the mountain base. The inside was hollowed out from a natural cave. Lights were fixed from the ceiling to provide light. Soldiers ran to and fro, some carrying crates marked for ammunition or explosives.

The General met them at the center of the cave, a look of victory on his face. Standing next to him was the group's grand torturer, Dr. Gene, who was hunched over and suffering from spasms and convulsions.

"Welcome back, my black sheep."

The group said nothing, so the General continued.

"You, of course, remember Dr. Gene, your first victim."

The doctor shuffled forward, his head twitching side to side.

"I-I-I have been w-waiting to s-s-see you again f-f-for a while. Heeheeheeheehee."

"How hard did you zap that guy?" Genus asked Swiftshock.

"Not hard enough." She replied.

"Watching your escapades on the news and from satellites has been a treat. You've even found little costumes to run around and play in. I have sufficient uniforms for you, you don't need those. Take the costumes off."

"We need these, or else our abilities would harm us." Pensar explained.

"I'm quite sure that the good doctor will find suitable replacements, now take off those ridiculous costumes."

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