"No. On the contrary, you're accurate." Abby answered.

"Very accurate." Miko said, giving Theo the evil eye.

"Hold on a sec. Miko, take him."

Abby made Miko cover both of Alex's eyes as she sped away and came back in one second, her skin and clothes steaming. She was carrying an extra set of violet scrubs.

"Here you go, put these on."

She handed the clothes to Selyys, who had a bit of trouble putting them on. Abby had to help her out.

"My apologies. Skorospians do not usually wear clothing, except as hatchlings or elders. We cannot absorb heat well during those life stages."

"It's fine." Abby turned to Miko. "He's fine, let him go."

Miko uncovered Alex's eyes and he saw Selyys properly.

"Wow. You look great."

As Selyys blushed, Theo and Val turned back around and offered their own compliments. Theo stepped up to the rest of the group and said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Salma Rahal."

Selyys' face beamed with a wide grin as she went to embrace Theo.

"I get an Earth name! Thank you!"

It was Theo's time to blush now, an action that made Miko walk straight to him and smack him across the face. She then turned and left in a huff.

"Miko! Oh, come on, it's not like I spent most of the time looking at nude women as a base! It just happened."

He followed her out of the lab, calling and apologizing all the way. Val went over to his work table and found several medical textbooks, mostly about anatomy.

"No wonder Selyys' disguise is, ahem, authentic. He's probably got every text book from Johns Hopkins in here."

"He is so screwed." Abby commented.

"I hope I was not the reason for Kumiko's anger." Selyys, as Salma, said.

"No, you're fine. Theo's just too smart for his own good. Miko will cool down, and maybe forgive him." Val said.

"Right now, though, he's dead." Abby laughed.

Alex yawned as he looked at his transcom.

"Ah, Christ, five-thirty? I'm going back to sleep."

Alex was just out of the door when Val stopped him.

"No, you don't, Lex. We're up, so we might as well train."

"Ugh," Alex groaned. "Can't we at least wait until after breakfast?"

"Better to work up an appetite. Come on, to the gym."

Alex reluctantly followed the others to the gym, who made themselves busy setting up. Abby sped out the gym then came back with a large silver carrying case.

"Right, shift it, Alex. We need to test something."

Not fully understanding, Alex shifted into his suit. Abby and Val did the same, with Abby also opening her case. From out of it, she pulled out a large handgun.

"Woah!" Alex backed away. "What are you doing with that?!"

"You said that when those crazies shot at you, it didn't hurt, yeah? Well now, let's find out why."

H.O.P.E (A Super Hero Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ