Warning messages were flashing from Dr. Gene's console; the entire laboratory's power supply was being drained. He tried to cut the power, but there was some sort of interference. He later realized the interference was Abby, who was taking all the power in the room. The doctor saw that her eyes glowed with a bright blue energy.

This isn't possible...

Abby had drained nearly every ounce of energy in the room, save for the emergency power on a separate grid. She had felt like she was lightning given form. With the power gone from her case, it was only a large, glass box. She gathered a large amount of power into her arms and made an arc of pure white electricity, which she aimed and released at the door to her case. The door blew off its hinges, flying to the other side of the room. Abby saw Dr. Gene try to escape through the door to the halls, but the sudden power failure put the room into lockdown.

Abby took one step outside her case, blinked, then found herself standing right next to the doctor. She had traveled nearly 50 feet in the span of half a second. The doctor tried to reason with her.

"Now, Sparky, be reasonable. There's nowhere for you to go, no need for anyone, including me, to get hurt. Now, just put on a new collar, and I won't examine you anymore."

The offer was not accepted, as Abby took hold of Dr. Gene by the throat, electricity pouring out of her hand. The doctor felt energy surge through his body, electrocuting him and sending spasms all down his limbs. Abby addressed him, the power amplifying her voice.

"You will not hurt any of us, ever again! And I am not 'Sparky'! My name is Abigail Walker, but you can call me Swiftshock!"

Abby lifted the doctor off the ground and threw him aside into a wall. After he hit the wall and slumped down, the tablet he kept with him skid across the floor and stopped near Abby's feet. She picked it up and looked it over.

This could be useful.

Using another bolt of lightning, she blew away the locked door. Remembering the path back to her cell block, she ran as fast as lightning. She encountered other guards running toward the lab, but she moved so fast, they appeared to be standing still. She even took the time to take the ammunition from their guns.

Arriving at the entrance to her cell block, Abby saw the twin guards posed into firing positions. She drew electricity into each of her hands, then fired a bolt at each guard. Time turned to normal with the release of so much electricity. The twins were blown back against the wall and dropped like rag dolls. Abby took one of the guard's key cards and slid it in the electronic lock. When it didn't open the door, she remembered that a code needed to be punched in.

Hmmm... punched.

Gathering enough energy in her hand for arcs of electricity to form, Abby went to the panel and punched it as hard as she could. The panel beeped and the metallic doors slid open. Abby walked into the middle of the hall, her electricity slowly building itself back up. The other inmates stared at her in amazement; even the children had a different look in their eyes, with a small glimmer of hope in them. Abby looked at all of them, then said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for early parole!"

Abby ran to each cell, opening the doors and freeing her friends. They all met in the middle of the hall.

"Well this is nice and all, but what are you gonna do about these?" Theo asked, grabbing a hold onto his collar.

Answering his question, Abby held up the tablet she took. While she didn't know the password to open it, she placed her hand over the screen. Using static, she forced the tablet to unlock, then found the controls for the inhibitor collars. She turned the collars off and all her friends threw them down gratefully. The children were more hesitant, as theirs haven't been removed in nearly two years. Miko walked to them and said,

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