The Devil Within

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         It was a very tiring day since I've slept not more than what I used to. I woke up earlier because of listening to that recording many times. I have shared the recording with my six 5th-grader friends and told them what happened. They tremble in fear and worried about me. They as well experience cringed as they listened to the recording while there's nothing especial for other people (except them) if I let them hear it. I actually thought them devils couldn't manifest objects but they have interfered one of my recordings on April 25th, 2020.

                                                                       April 25, 2020

        The night is warmer than it should be. Maybe it's just because there were two of us in my bed which I am not used to. His movements kept me awake. I'm tired but I can't sleep. It's very unusual for me so I faced the goddamn wall where it is colder with my hands and feet attached to it. I hate it at the same time I'm thankful that because somebody is there at least. I want to sleep but I know very well that I will be on my REM Sleep.

        REM means Rapid Eye Movement. During your REM sleep, your breathing will be faster and irregular, and your heart rate and blood pressure increase to near waking levels. Most of dreams occurs during REM Sleep, although some also occur in non-REM sleep.

        How do I know that my sleep will move directly to REM? I have these sleeping habits. If I have someone with me that I can't fully trust, I'm putting myself like in REM Sleep mode where every single move in my room, I could feel it and wakes me up right away. A single tone of sound from a phone will make me awake. Things like the ceiling fan running will be a big factor or the fridge unloading will right away wakes me up. If my sleep will be disrupted accompanied with bad dreams then REM sleep will turn into Sleep Paralysis. Sleep paralysis arises from disrupted REM sleep, named for the rapid eye movements that occur during this stage of the sleep cycle. During an episode of sleep paralysis, a person becomes paralyzed for seconds or minutes just as they're falling asleep or waking up. Things like this won't scare anymore but what I am afraid of is that this 'Imaginary Friend' of yesterday will show up instead of dreaming of something good; and so, He did.

                                                                                      April 25, 2020 04:35 AM

                                                                                                   April 25, 2020  04:35 AM

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

        I still continued my recording with just an audio. Aside from my bed there's a couch where I sometimes sleep especially when I do have a visitor. I keep having visitors without knowing about me especially to my co-realtor where I've been working now. They thought I'm friendly and full of kindness. Honestly I don't like it. The book about kindness is quite helpful which makes me fake things. This is normal. We lived in a world of fakes. I just need to play how this world works or I can't sustain my own needs. I have to survive this. I've got to do this. Then 04:30 AM, I've been awakened.

        My eyes rolled out of worries. My brain is working like unconsciously but I'm awake! The room is dark but the shade is on. The gravity is heavy. It's humid. I don't get what wakes me up but after I woke up, one thing is on my mind - to check if he's still beside me. With my face facing the wall, I turned back really fast. I've been worried for something I don't really know. When I saw him steadfast sleeping, it never satisfied my mind. When I checked the couch, the other guy is missing!

        Right away I wake him up tapping him and saying,

        "Hoy mata asa ang isa?!" / "Hey wake up where is the other one?!"

        He woke up real fast watching the room and then faced me. He doesn't really understand what I'm talking about because he just woke up. As he look in my face while I'm just beside him, he made the worst impression in his face. I can see worry, fear, shock, horror and panic while pushing me away. He hastened moved backward while I am gaining my state of consciousness and assessed the situation.

        I eased him up. I held his hand and told him,

        "Relax, relax, relax. Hey.."

        I smiled for him. I understand what's happening. He don't. I stood up and gave him a glass of water. I laughed. I gently laughed at him and told him,

        "Chill, it's just me. Take it easy"

        While continue laughing and making him laugh, I am worried about him. The face he gave at me makes me feel sad at the same time worried. I didn't ask him anything after. I just told him to sleep again and I'll watched over him. He slept once again around 5:00 AM while I am wide awake.

        He woke up in his regular time. I cooked food for breakfast and as I watched over him relaxed and great, I gently asked him.

        "What's wrong? What happen? Why are you afraid when I woke you up?"

        And he said,

        "You're FACE LOOK DIFFERENT when I looked at you." he said in a gently manner.

        "It was my horrifying experience ever. I don't understand why, but you gave me the chills all over me" he added.

        I replied with a nod since I've been expecting the same answer. I'm frightened. It's not just because of what he said of how my face looked but because, I woke up looking for a person I don't even know! There were only two of us in the room and I was worried because the other person is not on my sight. And this person never exist in reality! Things are getting crazier here. If you think the same then you're maybe right. This thing I was talking to in my sleep talks and dreams is actually existing. It's not just that. I couldn't see him when I woke up because when I'm awake he is in ME. The Devil Within Me.

        After what happened, I stopped playing the game. I stopped recording. I stopped acknowledging. Things aren't joke anymore. I'm not bored anymore. I'm done with this. It's enough. Let me rest.

        The Devil within me is there and watched over. Playing in my nightmares, sleepwalks, sleep talks and sleep paralysis. It sometimes overtake my daily living. I have known where it started. My first guess is when I am a 5th Grader.


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