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I'm an artist. Its Remus Aren. Also TW I guess. Kaidous mum is kinda mentally abusive so be warned. I'll put a warning bit when that bit starts and finishes so you can still read the story. :). Anyway have a nice day.

Kaidou practically bounced his way back home with a smile plastered on his face. Not only did he make a friend, but he found a training partner. Someone who talked to him seriously, someone who included him, someone who believed him.

Kuboyasu and Shun agreed in last period to meet half an hour after school ended in the woods. (This way they could get changed and Kaidou could pick up a few of his favourite notes on fighting). Ever since then the shorter boy was thrilled.


Although they were practising to defeat the Dark Reunion, Kaidous first battle that night was to get past his mother without her telling him to study. Every night after school, Kaidou and his siblings were made to stay in their room for an hour working and their mother made it very obvious that she hated it when they tried to skip out on it.

He took a deep sigh and quickly checked behind him to see if any shady group members had followed him. He pushed open the front door, it was unlocked so his family were home, Inside his mother was cleaning the living room, she didn't bother to say hello as usual. 

Despite being nervous, the teen carefully approached his parent, his hands fumbling with his bandages for what felt like the millionth time that day. Its not that she was mean to him, she just wanted him to do his best so really she was just being a good parent.

 "Uh mother?" She turned away from the clothes she was folding to look at him, almost in shock that he was talking to her.

"Whatever it is, make it quick. You need to get to your homework." she sighed, pushing up her glasses and putting her other arm on her hip. His heart hammered. Should he just cancel on Aren? No, he couldn't, not with Aren.

"Actually," his eyes darted around the room, determined not to make eye contact with the woman in front of him. "I was wondering if I could miss my studying today so I can meet up with a friend. I'll do double work tomorrow, it will just be for today."

She stared at him as if he had just told her he had killed someone. "Shun, you you need to study to improve your grades and I'm surprised you could even make friends. I found your report in your room and your grade has gone down a level from last year."

Kaidou held his breath, he just wished he said nothing at all. If she continued like this he'll be late.

"Sora is doing better than you and she is three years younger. Is this the impression you want to give your brother?" She waited as if she wanted a response but whatever the boy said it would make it worse.

"Go meet your friend then, but I want to to work harder in improving in the future." She spat turning immediately around again. His ribbons almost completely unravelled, he mumbled a 'thank you' as he scurried up the stairs to his room.

Shun wanted to cry but pushed the thought out of his head and tried to replicate the excitement he felt earlier. He was definitely going to arrive at the woods at least a few minutes late but hopefully Kuboyasu wouldn't mind.

When he arrived in his room he saw that one of his draws had been emptied onto his desk. His report was open on the work space as well as; a few of his notepads, random sweet wrappers he had thrown in there and a diary he started started a few years ago and couldnt leave it half empty.

Fortunately, His mother had mistaken his diary as another book of hero notes and didn't bother to read it. At least it was easier to get his books he wanted.

His wardrobe was still open from this morning and, in spite of wanting to hurry, hoped to wear an outfit to show his new friend be wasn't a complete loser.

Time skip of literally like a minute because I dont want to describe kaidou getting changed. That's weird.

The boy, now fully changed, carefully stepped down the stairs to the door, avoiding glancing even for a second to his mother. He was carrying a backpack now that he had filled with his notepads, making it very heavy.

Once successfully at the door, he looked back for a split second to see his mother now watching the television.

Kaidou pulled the door open as quietly as he could, ignoring the fact she definitely knew he was there, and stepped out. The air was colder now and he now thinking that he should of brought a jacket.


Still paranoid about being late, the teen grabbed his phone from his bags pocket to check the time. 3.50. Dammit, already five minutes late. He thought, shoving his phone away and trying to walk faster (Considering Kaidou's lack of sporting ability and short legs it wasn't much quicker).

Luckily, the woods they decided to meet was just around the corner from his house so he shouldnt be much later. It will be fine, Kuboyasu won't mind.  "Won't he?" that evil voice at the back of Shun's head spoke. "He did save you from bullies twice today. Hes probably already tired of you."

Kaidou tried to walk even faster, nearly into a run. The voice wasn't right, was it. This was finally a real friend, it couldn't be.

A tall metal fence was around the trees because the entrance was at a different point in the wood and the houses didnt like animals coming out. Yet, groups of teens had broken a whole in it so they could get through.

Kaidou climbed through the metal bars and into the woodland area. The birds were singing and the slight wind was making the trees rustle. I would have been quite peaceful if Shun wasn't now in a full of sprint to the grass area in the middle.

For normal people (people that actually can run without collapsing from a heart attack), they could have walked leisurely to the meeting place within five minutes. However for this boy it took him six while running.

"Hey Kaidou!" A voice called when he finally got to the field. Shun, now panting from the severe workout, looked up to see Aren jogging towards him. They both immediately smiled.

"You're late." Kaidous grin disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I just had a issue with my mother and then i went to get changed and to get my books and-" Kaidou rambled before getting cut off.

"Its fine, I was joking." He chuckled slightly and took the heavy backpack from his friends shoulder, "Should we get to work."

Kaidou Shun vs his Homosexual Tendencies  (Kaidou x Aren)Where stories live. Discover now