Chapter 4

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For Cass this was the worst of her last 3 pregnancies.  She had terrible morning sickness,  and barely sleep at night. Varain took Cassidy to school  and Veronica stayed home with Cass. 

Veronica spent most of her time in the castle with Rapunzel and her daughter Elaine. The Vatters don't live to far from the castle so it's easy for Veronica to just walk over there.

Veronica helped Rapunzel and Elaine make flower crowns and  care for the royal garden, while Cass rested.  The baby was draining a lot of her energy.

Later on that day Varain decided to take Cass to the doctor.  She had never experienced such horrible morning sickness and wasn't getting good rest or eating. 

" Varain I don't need to go to the doctor.  I will be fine." Cass complained.

" It's better to be safe than sorry Cassie." Varain said. Varain took the girls over to the castle so Rapunzel could watch the them while they were gone. On the ride to the doctors office Cass looked at the sky.

" It looks like its gonna rain." Cass said.  Varain looked up. 

" It might but we'll be fine."

When they reached the doctors office Varain helped Cass out of the car. They signed in and headed upstairs to Casses doctors office. Varain knocked and the door opened. 

" Ah Greetings Mr and Mrs.Vatter. Here for your 12:00 opointment I assume. " Varain nodded.

" Yep." Varain said as they walking into the office.

" So." The doctor began. " This is your 4th pregnancy and you've been having some sickness. " The doctor said as he examined a chart.

" Yes." Cass said.  

"Well that seems normal to me. This baby must just being giving you a hard time. I'll prescribe a medicine to help with the sickness. It should settle things down."The doctor said.

After they went to the doctor they began to head home when it started raining. Varain decided to stop on the side of the road and let the storm pass. But after an hour it seemed to have gotten worse. All of a sudden the car started shaking. 

" Varain? " Cass said as the car began to shake harder. 

" Cass-" As Varain began to speak the wind flipped the car over. Knocking Cass out. Varain was stuck in his seat belt when saw headlights. Little did he know they were not a good sign.

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