Chapter 2.

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On January 1st Cass had a baby girl who she named Cassidy Reagan Vatter. She was born with chocolate brown hair, green eyes, and olive skin. Cassidy was a healthy baby. She had everything her mother never had.  When Varain first saw his daughter he knew he loved her. Cassidy was a quiet and easy baby. Wish I could say the same for her sister.  2 years after Cassidy was born Cassandra had another  baby girl.  They named her Veronica Laine Vatter.  She was smaller than her sister but still healthy and strong. She had bright blue eyes and light brown hair. But when Cassandra fell pregnant a third time everything went wrong. The baby had heart failure and Cass had to give birth 3 months early. The baby girl which they named a Quira named after Varains father Quiarn. 

After 2 months of surgery, medicine, and prayers Quira died of heart failure. This broke Varains heart.  It killed him that he never got to hold his daughter. Everyday he prayed and asked.

" Why God? What did I do wrong?" He said as his eyes filled with tears.Cassandra walked over to him. She held him close and whispered.

" It's ok Varain. " Quira is in a better place now. " Cass held him closer.  " I love you. " Cass said as she drifted of to sleep.

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