We got this *part two*

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Mai: Zuko?
Zuko: Yes?
Mai: I do not want anyone to know. Anyone.
Zuko: Whatever makes you comfortable.

Mai and Zuko were leaving the palace for a get together with the Gaang. Mai wasn't worried really. She knew Zuko was really good at secrets. She knew he had the awareness of where to speak and where not to. Most importantly, she knew he cared too much about her to spill anything. She did her last touches on her makeup and they went on the airship. Mai didn't want someone to ride it she didn't want many people around her as long as possible. Zuko knew very well how to use it. Mai looked down as the airship rised. In a short time she could see the whole kingdom. Sooner or later they had to announce. Those streets were going to be full of people celebrating. She wasn't ready. She didn't feel ready. After they rose high enough, Zuko came next to her.

Zuko: Are you cold?
Mai: No.
Zuko: Crazy how everything looks so small from here isn't it?
Mai: It feels big.
Zuko: Tell me if you need anything.

Zuko got back to filling the metal container with fire after leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. They didn't talk much until they landed. Zuko wanted to give her space. He knew she would talk if she wanted to. He knew there was so much in her mind he did too. They were about to enter a room full of loud people. They both needed some silent time before. They saw all of the gaang as they were getting closer to the ground. Neighter Zuko or Mai expected to feel this happy when they went down but their friends were full of joy. It was impossible not feel happy. Sokka attacked Zuko the moment he put his feet down. Everybody started hugging them. They didn't meet too much especially with the firelord and the firelady. They missed them everytime. Mai didn't love hugs but the gaang was sort of an exeption. When it was Toph's turn to hug Mai, Toph felt or heard something. She wasn't sure She didn't care. Katara and Aang got inside before anyone else so they could prepare some tea. Sokka welcomed everyone in. They sat around the round table on the floor as Aang and Katara poured everyone some tea. When they were all set Katara started the conversation.

Katara: So how's everyone been doing?
Toph: It's all the same for me. The academy's doing great. I'm teaching them so it's no suprize.

They all nodded in agreement. Toph indeed was a great teacher being a great bender herself. Being a great bender herself, she was a great listener. And the voice... it was somehow familiar. It was as if she can hear it more clear trough the floor. She kept trying to ignore it as the gaang kept chatting. "The Kyoshi warriors are doing great. The firenation is treating us very well." Said Suki slightly bowing to the firelord and the firelady.

Zuko: You are doing your job very well. If anything what we're presenting isn't enough.
Suki: Mai you are one lucky woman.
Mai: I know.
Sokka: Hey!
Suki: You are one lucky man.
Sokka: I know.

Sokka blushed slightly as Suki landed a kiss on his cheek. "So is there anything new with you?" Asked Aang towards to Mai and Zuko. Mai felt someting spreading fast in her vains. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was concern. There was. Something was new. Mai has always been good with keeping things but this was different. This one affected her. Her heart started beating faster. She thought this was gonna be way easier. She knew it was impossible for them to figure out until she told them but that wasn't helping. She couldn't even open her mouth to say "nah it's the same". She almost felt like fainting before Zuko broke her tention.

Zuko: No it's quite balanced. Meetings and stuff are always about getting things better. Well, there are Ozai loyalists still but they never ceased to exist anyway.
Suki: The damn loyalists. I would kill them if I were the bad guy.
Aang: Whoa, Suki.
Suki: What? That wouldn't even make me the bad guy. I mean out oldest was sixteen at the time out youngest was twelve. We worked our asses off so we can do what people didn't for a hundered years in months and there are people that wants Ozai back. We could have died.
Zuko: I thought Mai did for a while.
Toph: I almost did.
Aang: So did I.
Mai: I was seventeen. Also I almost did Zuko. I would be toasted if Ty Lee wasn't there. Literally.
Sokka: Wow. Sometimes things seem so well that I forget everything we went trough.

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