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After a long day of celebrations and being crashed between thousands of people, the gaang was finally invited to a private room. All  of them seated, silently waiting for the happy couple to arrive. All of their heads turned at the exact same time when the enourmous doors opened with a loud squeek. Firelord Zuko entered the room with his queen holding onto his right arm and their newborn in his arms. Almost all members of the gaang stood up, ready to see the new royalty. Zuko seated Mai, who was weakened from birth, before Aang, Katara, Sokka and Suki winded up around him and the baby. They all looked at him and waited for him to say something. Until Sokka broke the silence.

Sokka: So is it a girl or a boy?
Toph: Say it's a girl!
Mai: Did you bet on our baby?
Katara: Of course they did Mai. What did you expect?
Sokka: Say it Zuko.

Zuko looked at Mai, Toph and the rest of the gaang before he silently said;

Zuko: It's a girl.
Toph: I knew it!
Sokka: Come on you can't be serious. This is the third time!
Katara: Stop it Sokka. You only got lucky with Bumi and that was it. She's a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
Sokka: Yeah the baby is gorgeous! You two did an amazing job. Maybe it's a good thing Bumi and Kya aren't here.
Zuko: Thank you Katara. And Sokka... I guess.
Aang: She really is beautiful Zuko, Mai. but our babies were at least as gorgeous as she is.
Sokka: Were they?
Aang: Well ye-
Suki: Don't ruin this for him Aang. Sokka's been planing to annoy you and Katara with this for months. She really is gorgeous. You two have magnificent genes.
Katara: Hey! Anyway, does she have a name?
Zuko: Not yet.

As the gaang kept talking and arguing. Zuko noticed Toph who hasn't said or moved much. Everybody was here to see the newborn and well...  Zuko slowly got himself away from them and walked over to Toph.

Zuko: Toph?
Toph: Yeah?
Zuko: Do you wanna hold her?

Toph raised his head towards where the voice was coming from. She was kind of suprized.

Toph: Do you really trust me with her?
Zuko: Of course.
Toph: Yes.

Aang and Katara never let Toph hold their babies maybe for months. Not to mension she was born that very day. Zuko kneeled before her and gently layed down his daughter into Toph's arms. Zuko had no doubts, neighter did Mai. Toph looked mesmerized as if she could see the baby. She was slightly rocking her in her arms with a sincere smile on her face.

Toph: Her heart.

Zuko, the dramatic boy and now the father he was, got worried. The doctors said she was totally fine.

Zuko: What's with it?
Toph: It's beating so strong. And it's in sync with mine!

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