"Perfect, by Ed Sheeran. Mommy says its her love song with daddy! I want to learn it and surprise her when she birtday!!" he replied with a huge grin on his face. 

We settled down as I played the song for him. 

*Flashback (from Chapter 5)*

"When I first started learning piano, I struggled. I couldn't remember the notes, I couldn't allocate the keys on the piano, I couldn't read the notes on the lyrics book. I felt that I wasn't talented at all, I wasn't gifted. I almost wanted to give up. Until my instructor asked me why I chose piano and not the other musical instruments. So I told him it was because I liked piano. Then he said that if he liked something, he will put in double, triple or even quadruple efforts to make things work. If I have hesitation, it simply means that I don't like piano enough. Because if I did, nothing should stand in my way. Hence, the only way to help myself, was to like piano more, so that I will not even be thinking of giving up. He continued and said that no one was born to play piano like an expect, even Beethoven had to put in much hard work and effort to accomplish what he has today. It was after talking to him that I realized he was right, nothing was easy in the first place. Success is the sum of small effort repeated day-in and day-out. So I am glad I didn't give up back then. It wasn't easy, but it was worthwhile. Through this, it also taught me how to be more resilient." She said as she cast her fingers over the piano and smiled.

"Can you teach me how to play the piano?" I asked.

She nodded and patted on the seat next to her.

*End of flashback*

Then a tear rolled down my cheek.

Are these my memory? Who exactly is she? I thought to myself as the memories replayed in my mind. This time, I didn't feel any pain in my head. Instead, I felt my heart clenched. 

"Time for dinner!" she said as she placed the beef stew on the table, breaking my chain of thoughts. I wiped away the drop of tear and walked over to the dining table with Jerome. 

"Remember to wash your hands before you eat!" she said as she narrowed her eyes at Jerome when he attempted to use his hand to pick some beef.

"But mommy, I hungry!" he pouted. 

His mom folded her arms and signaled him to wash his hand.

"Uncle Ashtonnnnnn! " he turned and looked pitifully at me. 

I looked between him and her, pretending to give it a thought, before responding. 

"Nope, listen to mommy," I replied winking at her. 

We both laughed as Jerome reluctantly walked to the bathroom. 

Dinner was beyond great. It was one of the best meal I had ever had. Not only was the food delicious, its the company I enjoyed the most. 

The more I hang out with this pair of mother and son, the more attached I felt towards them. This is the first time in 5 years I am experiencing such feelings, yet I am not against the idea at all.  


"Hey," she said as she handed me a cup of tea as I stood by her balcony. 

I nodded as I smiled at her.

"I am Finn, Jerome's mother," she said.

I shone her a confused look. 

"Well, I just realized I hadn't introduce myself formally to you?" she stated as she smiles. 

Those smile. 

I could feel my heart beat... every single pound in my chest. My heartbeat echoed in my ears as the firing squad approached, a grim reminder of my own mortality. It beat so loudly that it seemed to want to escape my chest, to flee the oncoming bullet.

"So we are friends now?" I probed as I extend my hand for a handshake. 

"Definitely," she replied as she placed her hand in mine, flashing me yet another heart warming smile. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked courageously. 

She nodded as she took a sip of her tea. 

"Where is Jerome's father?" I mustered my courage and asked. This is something that I have been constantly bothered by since day 1. 

Finn's POV

"Where is Jerome's father?" he asked. 

I froze. I was shocked by his question. I looked at him, thinking if I should answer his question truthfully. 

Since he doesn't remember anything, why not I take this as an opportunity to tell him everything that I have bottomed up all these years?  I mentally made a decision.

"He's gone," I replied, locking my gaze at him. 

"I left him," I continued. 

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

I shook my head.

"Meeting him, knowing him, loving him, I had no regrets. However, at that time, separation was the best decision for the both of us," I stated with obvious grief in my voice.

He looked confused with my response. 

"Because, I know that now, without us, his life have became better. And so did mine... I knew his life had went back on track, back to how it should have originally been. As for me, I have also found my own happiness with Jerome here. So I really hope that, he would be blissful too. Because, his happiness is a part of my own." I explained, showing a weak smile.

"Do you still love him?" he asked carefully. 

"He never leaves my mind, he's always here; mentally if not emotionally. It's just incomprehensible. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life," I replied as I placed my hand across my heart. 

"If I ever have a chance to see him again, I want to thank him. I want to tell him, thank you. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for giving me Jerome. This child, is the best present I've received in my life, " I continued as I look straight into his eyes.

My eyes were heavy with unshed tears. 

Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to my hip. It settled there and pulled me even closer. I inhaled sharply. I was against his warm chest chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? I splayed my hand against it, intending to push him away, but instead I left it there. His breathing quickens as did mine. He began nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses.

 So faint, they were whispers. I urged myself to push away, but couldn't. My limp body begin to tremble uncontrollably. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lip came closer and closer to mine. I was surprised to find my own lips parted. Our breaths mingled. My heart fluttered inside my chest. At first, it was a delicate butterfly of a kiss. Then his arms encircled mine.

/ to be continued /


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