"Judging from the way both of you act around each other in the photo my private detective passed me, clearly you're in love. Both of you seems to complement each other so well. Without words exchanged, he knows what you want and you always seems to be receptive to whatever he does. Everything between the both of you just seems so genuine and natural. From the way he looks at you, it feels like you're all that's left in the whole world. The smile you put on whenever he's around you, it was as if you've strike lottery," he paused.

"To be honest, I've never seen this smile on you in our past 4 years of relationship," he continued.

The anger that I was feeling started to cease as I listened to his words.

"Remember that day when he couldn't find you in the fun fair? He was looking around for you frantically. He looked like a lost puppy. It was as if I could sense his emotions even through the photos.. His terror mounted with every step, it was a fear that almost unmanned him. But the moment he saw you, all the fears were replaced with relief and tears of joy," he continued.

As he mentioned about the incident, memories came back to me. Then reality hit me. I miss his hugs, his touch and most importantly, I miss him.

"Losing you was never my intention. But losing you to him, I lost convincingly. Because I know that if anything bad happens to you in the future, he'll definitely take the bullet for you without second thoughts. So I'm at ease knowing that he's the right one for you. I give my blessing to the both of you," Remus concluded as he flashed a genuine smile.

"Thanks Remus," I mirrored his smile.

"You look sad when I saw you just now. I don't know why and I am not going to probe. But I feel that if there is a problem, we should find a way to solve it. Because God will not give us a problem if there isn't any solution," he gave a pat on my hands before turning to take his leave.

After speaking to Remus, it felt like we had put a closure between the 2 of us. At the same time, I felt a burden lifted from my shoulder. Most importantly, it gave me courage to make a decision. But before that, I have a call to make.


In Finn's apartment

After finishing my hot chocolate, I made my way home because I wanted to speak to my sister about my decision.

Doreen, my older sister is happily married with a pair of twins of the age of 5. She met her husband when she was doing overseas voluntary work and have been happily married for 7 years.

I dialled her mobile and waited for a couple of rings before she picks up.

Sis, isit a convenient time now? I have something tell you.

Of course my little sister! Your brother in-law is out with his friends and I've just read bedtime story to your nieces. Whats's up?

I broke up with Remus a few months back.

No wonder I hadn't heard from him for quite a bit. But I guess its no big deal. You're the one that's going to live with him for the rest of your life. If you feel he's not the one, then find another one.

As a matter of fact, I think I found him. But...

That's great!! But why is there a but at the end of your sentence? Don't tell me he's married or you're a third party in someone else's relationship!

No! It isn't. Its just that, he's younger than me. And when I say younger, he's really alot younger than me.

Mm, how much younger?

He's 13 years younger. He's one of my students's brother.

Are you sure he's the one?


Then I am very happy for you.

You mean you wouldn't think it's weird? Or won't you object us or anything?

Why should I? When you replied yes, I can feel the determination in your voice. I know deep down, you have already made your decision. You just needed someone to affirm it. Finn, once you have made a decision, just do it. Ignore what the rest has to say. Because you're my family and your happiness is all that matters to me. If he's the one, hold tight and never let him go. Big sis here will definitely support you!

With the support from my sister, it gave me extra motivation to what I am going to do next. That night, I went to bed with a smile, knowing these 2 facts:

1) I realized how I wasted my time worrying about what other people think instead of focusing on myself.

2) I love Ashton, so I am going to win him back.

/ to be continued /


A big thank you to x_silverwing_xx for voting for my story! 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ This chapter is for you! 😉

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