Chapter twenty

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I run around my room desperately trying to find something decent to wear for school today. I've been so busy lately I'd forgotten to do my laundry and now I was left with nothing to wear.

Darn it! And I'm running late for school. The damn bus will be here any second now.

And I'm still in my fucking shorts and sports bra!

A honking from outside makes me stop. It's a very familiar horn sound but after what happened last night I don't think I'll be hearing his horn anytime soon.

I continue turning my room upside down when the honking continues. I shut the sound out but it keeps going on and on.

For the love of!

"Would you please stop disturbing the neighborhood you freak!" I scream at the top of my voice, out of my bedroom window.

I'm pretty sure my voice is what's going to disturb the neighbors.

"Why are you not dressed yet?" Came a very familiar voice from down below.

Looking down I find a very familiar person staring at me in bewilderment.

"Is this what it always looks like when you look down at me?" I ask Travis whose face turns from bewilderment to shock.

"Is that really necessary right now? Put on some clothes girl! You’re in your freaking underwear." His face was quite the sight. So many expressions in such a short period.

"Girls go swimming in bikinis. That is fine but a sports bra is considered an underwear worth hiding?"

Seriously. Why are people being so picky?

"Just get back inside. Please." He does a strong emphasis on the please as he sighs.

Shaking my head I get back inside and begin my search for clothes.

Opening my closet once more I rummage through and grab a pair of my old jeans and a beige hoodie. Rolling up the ends of the jeans so the shortness wouldn't be noticeable, I grab my bag and run downstairs and to the front road.

"Took you long enough. Get on. I'll give you a ride." Travis says opening the passenger door to his Porsche.

I get inside and strap myself as Travis gets to the other side and gets inside. He starts the engine and we get onto the street.

Somehow the atmosphere around us didn't feel awkward nor uncomfortable. We were in silence yet it was a comforting one.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night." He starts and I facepalm myself.

He just had to bring it up.

"Forget it. It's fine. I don't really mind words from bimbos." I say flicking my hand left and right to show she was like a fly to me.

He chuckles to himself as he speeds up so I wouldn't be late. I've only five minutes before the first bell. I wonder if I'll be on time?

It's all the laundry's fault!

"Have you ever been to a boys' basketball match?" Travis asks making me stop humming some tune that was stuck in my head.

"Nope. I've no interest in that." I reply straightforwardly.

"But don't you think you will improve more if you see from both sides?" Travis keeps pressing. He usually doesn't ask me of such things so I'm slightly surprised.

Where did all this confidence to ask me come from?

"I've never really wanted to watch a men's basketball match but then again, what's to lose?" I finally agree since I'm pretty sure he would keep bothering me just like his sister does.

"Do you have practice today?"

"No?" I say quite unsurely.

"There is a match in the evening which could be of interest to you." He says and my interest really does grow. I wait for him to continue.

"He's a kid who's 5'4. Well, it's not really considered short but he's the shortest in his team, and to make it even better he's the point guard."

I sit up straight all ears now. How does a boy point guard work on court?

I know the positions of the players of my school's boy’s team. But I've never really watched any game of theirs.

"My friend works as a guidance counselor in that dude's school. The kid's always going to the guidance room and that's how my friend told me about him. So what do you think? You up for a game of men's basketball?"

Like I'd throw away such a golden opportunity. He knows me so well. This sneaky guy.

As he pulls up into my school and cuts off the engine we had shaken hands on an agreement of meeting right after school.

From the moment I enter the school building to the final bell of the day I’d been restless. I kept staring at the clock, praying time would fly. Ava had been an annoyance pestering me back and forth, but her irritation was mild since my mind was elsewhere.

As soon as the last bell of the day rings aloud, I grab my bag and stuffing my books in my locker, I run out of the school once I’d dropped Ava a text. I find Travis almost surrounded by a couple of seniors, batting their fake eyelashes. 
Without a second to lose, I push past the barricade and get inside, strapping myself. Travis excuses himself and gets in, starting the engines quickly and swiftly driving away from the girls who were so close to clawing their fingers up him. 

The game had already begun and was halfway through by the time Travis and I had seated ourselves. Eagan High school in the county of Dakota was just a twenty-minute drive from my school. But it took nearly an hour for us to reach the place due to heavy traffic and Travis's fuel running low.

Looking around I find the gymnasium packed with people of every age and gender. I heard from a naggy couple I passed that the Eagan's boy’s team was quite a catch.

I could see why. The players were strong. I've been here only for a couple of minutes but I could see very well just how much of an amazing team they were.

I never knew boy’s basketball was so aggressive. Their plays were so rough. I was afraid some were going to have their arms ripped off.

The crowd kept going crazy every time the ball was in the hands of one of the Eagan's.
But this was not why I came here today. My eyes travel through the players on court and I catch a glimpse of him. It wasn't really hard to spot him. He truly was the shortest.

Is this how I look when I’m on court?

The kid whose name I learnt as Colin, was a remarkable player. His support to the team was immense. It was making me wonder if I was any good to my team.

The guy used his lack of height real well. He was stealth and fast. Before you could move your eyes he had the ball in hand and passing to his teamie.

He wasn't much of a three-point shooter. He missed occasionally but his view was wide and he was always at the spot where the ball would go next.

The buzzer goes off making a sharp tingle run down my back. I've always loved the loud sound of the buzzer. The Eagan's were the champions as expected by everyone. The kids on the team did a group hug, gripping each other’s shoulders, and they all yell "CHAMPION".

Soon after his teammates walk away and he’s all by himself in a corner, wiping his face on his towel and taking huge gulps of water from his squeeze bottle. "Let's go have a chat with the guy," Travis saying tugging at my sleeve and I give him a nod.

I follow Travis excitedly as we make way to the kid. I've never been this excited. Not even when facing nor talking to Luca, our boy's point guard.

Perhaps it's because this kid and I have something more in common than just our position. Our height.

This was the first time I've come face to face with someone with a height complex such as me and playing the same sport. There was a different kind of adrenaline rush inside of me unlike when I'm on court.

"Colin?" Travis called out and the kid whipped his head back at once. He frowns at us since I'm sure he was trying to figure if we're acquainted or not.

"Do I know you?" He asked finally.

"No, not really. We're from Apple Valley. This is Judith Drakeyer from Westview High school. She wanted to watch your match." Saying so he pushes me in front so I'm in perfect view for the guy.

He keeps looking at me in the eye. Then his gaze lowers and then back to my face.

"Hi." He greets, his voice hard and edgy.

What gives? Did I steal his favorite ball or what?

"Hi," I reply to the guy whom I was starting to like less.

We remain quiet just staring at anything but each other. I hate dealing with guys and right now I was getting sick of it.

Where is the excitement I had just a moment ago?

"Well, you see Judith plays basketball. She's with the Minnesota Hawkettes. Her position is the same as yours. Point guard." Travis was trying to make the kid be interested in me. Not like I wanted that.

But what happens next was what got me surprised.

He laughed. He downright laughed in my face as soon as Travis was done speaking.

I'm used to people laughing at me when I say them I play basketball. I've been living with such cruel laughter ever since I started playing when I was six. But what he said next was what made my blood boil.

"I guess the Hawkettes aren't a big deal anymore if they’re accepting just about anyone into the team." A tone of mockery and insult. I was about to punch the ass in his face when a hand stretched out and grabs him by the collar almost choking the dude. He was raised from the ground so easily.

"Shut the fuck up asshole!" I've never heard Travis sound so menacing, it makes shivers go down my spine. "If you say another word I'll rip that mouth off of your face. To think that I spoke so highly of you and dragged her here to see your match. Guess this is why you're always called to the guidance room. Because you're trash in all the other aspects." With that, he finally let go of the guy and Colin took a couple of steps back in fear. Travis towered over the dude and the glare thrown down at him made the dude cower in fear even more.

The gym wasn't entirely empty. Heads turned our way. We were not in our city and I didn't want Travis to get into trouble for my sake.

"Forget him Tray. Let's go." I touch his forearm but Travis doesn't budge an inch.

"If you ever play a match against Judith she'd step all over you and leave you in the dust. But you're not even worth her time. Let's go, Judy." And with that, he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the gymnasium.

We remain in silence throughout the ride back home. It was so uncomfortable. The tension was so high. And so I try to make conversation.

"Wow, I fear for your future patients. What, are you going to stab them with a syringe if they refuse to take their meds?" I pray my acting was worth it. 

A slight smile creeps on his face and soon the mood becomes light making it easier to breathe.

"I'm sorry Judy. For taking you there." Travis apologizes, his words dripping with sincerity.

"Don't apologize. I had a new experience being in a new atmosphere. Thank you for taking me over there Travis. I learnt quite a few moves from the boys." I say with a smile. I was being honest. The boys' game was different from the girls. It was more aggressive but there was a certain spark in the game that caught my interest.

Travis remains silent and so I turn to the front and stare at the empty road.

When we reach my house I pull open the door but wait for a second longer before getting out.

"Thank you, Travis. For sticking up for me."

He looks embarrassed and well, taken aback by my honest appreciation. He just scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

"I'm glad I've one more person to rely on now other than Dad and Ava." with that I get off the car and shut the door behind me.

"Hey, Judy?" Travis calls out at once.


"I've got your back." Was all he said and my insides felt lighter than air.

I give him the biggest grin I could muster and then skip to the front door, earning a chuckle.

If only I'd have bent lower to see inside the car I would have surely noticed Travis's ears going red and the secret smile that brightened his face.

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