Chapter three

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"Wake up!" Dad yells as he throws a cup of cold water over me. I sit up straight like an effing robot, shivering from head to toe.

Don't worry. My dad wasn't being an ass. This is just how he wakes me every day.

At fucking 5 am!

Some Psycho wanted to start his gym training at five in the morning and so dad had to go down to be in the gym. Me, being the irresponsible girl I am would definitely sleep the entire day if someone doesn't wake me up. So, this was how my dad woke his poor, exhausted daughter.

I glare at him, wiping my drenched hair away from my eyes. "That was extra cold today," I say through gritted teeth.

"Sorry. I'll be going now. Breakfast is made. Take care, Judy." And he gives me a quick peck on the head and leaves.

The usual every day.

I get off my soaking bed and pull my curtains open. I've directed my bed in a way so that the afternoon sunlight would dry up my bed every day.

I pull my messy hair into a bun and replace my hoodie with a t-shirt. Grabbing my running shoes, I lock the door behind me and sit on the doorstep to put on the shoes.

The morning was cold, despite the fact that it was summer now. My skin broke out hives when the cold morning airbrushed my skin. I start jogging to warm myself before taking off in a sprint.

As always, the boy delivering milk grins as he sees me running down the street. I wave at him and continue. Passing Ava's house, I find her curtains closed. Of course, she's sleeping. She always wakes up half an hour before school and somehow manages to get to school in time. She wasn't the type to wake two hours prior to get ready and cake her face with makeup. And yet she always had a boy wagging his tail behind her.

I could feel my body warming up and it felt so good. I need to do more morning exercises, now that I'm on the basketball team. I can't slack off anymore. I check my phone and the screen shows 7:30 a.m

That's enough running.

I have to get back quick to do some workouts and then run to school. I rush home and gobble the pancakes dad whipped up for me, before walking to the bathroom to get my morning shower. It's not like I have a princess wardrobe. My clothes were limited. And I like it that way. I put on my blue jeans and a tank top, grabbing my jacket from my chair I put it on, tie my shoes and quickly sit down for my morning study revision. I go through the stuff we're to learn today in each class. And soon dump the books inside my backpack and leave the house with my sports bag.

Westview wasn't really far. I had to ride the bus for fifteen minutes and then walk for another ten minutes. Five if it's running. I stand by the entrance, leaning on the wall when Ava comes running like some madman was chasing her. She takes the stairs, two at a time and I fear for her pretty face crashing down.

"Am... Am I on time? Tell me I'm not late!" She gasps for breath, gripping her chest tight.

Geezus. This girl really needs to do more running.

"You're actually early by," I pause to look into my watch. "ten minutes. Congrats Ava." I pat her back and she beams proudly. Shaking my head, I enter the school building, Ava following close behind and then matching my steps.

"So ready for your first practice today?" She asks letting out a wide yawn. I glare at her and she quickly closes her mouth with a sheepish grin. I hate it when people yawn in my face. It makes me feel sleepy for some reason.

"I'm sure I'll survive," I say with a shrug.

"Of course!" She sings as she drapes her arm through mine and drags me towards our locker. A tall, lanky guy with blue eyes calls out to my best friend. She asks me to go ahead and stops to chat with the dude. I scowl at him and he stares at me weirdly.

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