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-𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

As I walked up the many, many, flights of stairs of U.A high, I found myself on the roof.

The soft wind blew through my short (h/s) hair. If I had washed off the make up, there would be dark eye bags under my droopy (e/c) orbs.

Running a (s/c) hand through my (h/c) hair, I walked closer to the edge with my head down.

When I did reach where I wanted, I looked up and was shocked.

Standing there was a girl. Not just any girl, a girl that was in the hero course, a class 1-A student.

I've heard of her before, I've seen her before. She did pretty well in the sports festival if I can recall.

She was shorter than me, only by an inch it seems, she was about 156 centimeters or 5'1". She had short brown hair that looks like it could bounce if she walked. Unfortunately, I couldn't see her face since her back was turned to me.

I don't think she noticed me yet. I'll wait and see what she does.

I waited and waited, she didn't move. Not an inch, like she was hesitating on her decision.

I perked up when I saw her move closer to the railings.

She took off her shoes and put them neatly away.

She's not doing what I think she's doing, is she?

She stepped over the railings. My eyes widened.

I came out of my hiding spot and yelled, "Hey! Don't do it! Please!"

The girl was surprised by my sudden appearance. She turned around, now I could see her face.

A rounded face with big, glossy, brown eyes stared at me in shock. She had natural blushing cheeks which were wet from, what I am guessing, tears.

The girl turned around fully to face me. She had a small, sad smile on her lips.

"You've probably heard it all before," she started, "I fell in love with someone who was gay."

I slowly made my way to her as she talked.

"Image that. Falling for someone who can't physically love, or even like, you back. Seems cliché, doesn't it?" She said.

I'm not going to lie, but that pissed me off. Coming here because someone you liked doesn't return your feelings? That's such an idiotic excuse.

"You're joking right?" I asked.
The brunette was shocked by my question.

"Are you serious? You came up here, before me, because of some stupid rejection? Who cares if that person is gay, you can find someone better! There is always more fish in the sea!"
I paused then let out a breath, "So, just because you can't get what you wanted, you decided to come up here?"

The brunette was speechless.
Apparently, she was blinded by her own emotions.

"You're lucky that you've never been robbed before," I stated.

The brunette smiled. It was a sort of happy smile.

She walked back over the railings and picked up her shoes, "I'm feeling better, thank you for listening," she said with a smile.

I heard running from behind me. I turned around to see another girl from class 1-A, the frog girl from the USJ villain attack, if I remember correctly.

She was short, shorter than the brunette, being 150 centimeters or 4'11". She had long, dark, green hair that was made into a bow at the end, which fits her nicely. She had round black eyes that were filled with tears.

She noticed the brunette and ran up to her and crushed her into a hug.

"I-I thought I was gonna l-lose you, Ochako," the frog girl said as her voiced creaked.

The brunette, or Ochako, was stunned but soon hugged back with a slight blush, "I'm sorry, Tsu, I won't do it again."

I watched the two female interact and decided to walked away.

I guess today just wasn't my day.

-𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

"Thank, All Might, you're ok, ribbit," Tsu said with a smile as her and Uraraka departed their hug.

"Well if it wasn't for the (h/c) haired boy, I wouldn't be here," Uraraka stated with a big smile on her face.

Tsu put a finger on her chin, "Ribbit, come to think of it, where is he?" She questioned as she looked around the rooftop.

Both females looked around the roof only to find nothing. It was like he vanished into thin air.

How odd.

"Maybe... maybe he left to give us some alone time," Uraraka suggested.

Tsu turned back to the brunette, "Maybe, ribbit. He's a student right?" She asked. Uraraka nodded, remembering the (e/c) eyed boy wearing a U.A uniform. "Then next time we see him, we'll thank him, ribbit."

Uraraka smiled, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

With that, the two 1-A students, hand-in-hand, walked to the stairs of the roof.


Mr. Roofman || Bnha || Male reader || Completed ✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora