If Charlie lived AU (games&books mixed) Part 1

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Tws: mention of choking, almost dy*ng, trauma, and paranoia, describing injury

Charlie's POV
It's the anniversary of the day I almost died, I hate that I still can't remember who tried to kill me. They could still be out there waiting to strike. I was only a 3 year old girl who was thrown outside by some bullies, why was I a target? Luckily I think almost getting caught scared whoever it was because no one else was attacked. "Charlie come downstairs, breakfast is ready!" There's Sammy's daily call for me to come down to breakfast. I guess I better head downstairs. "I'll be down in a minute!"

No One's POV
Charlie throws on her purple t-shirt, light blue jeans, and her green denim jacket and heads downstairs. She's so glad school's out for the summer but now she's left alone with her thoughts. She decides to just ignore them for the time being because she has to meet her friend Susie later, she wants to talk to Charlie about something. She's always been the bubbly, curly haired girl that everyone adores. With her shiny golden hair and her soft blue eyes lots of people wanted to be around her. They met when Charlie was about 5, she was playing a game at Freddy's when Susie walked over and started to give her tips. They bonded quickly and would often play together at Freddy's. Charlie has other friends too but Susie was her first friend she made on her own. Charlie didn't like other kids for the longest time since she was bullied a lot. Charlie has quite a few good friends; the Afton children, Susie, Jessica, Carlton, John, Marla, Lamar, Gabriel, Jeremy, Fritz, and Cassidy. Of course she has her twin brother Sammy too. The Afton children were always close with her and they were all devastated and scared when Charlie almost died. Chris was crying and worried all the time; Michael was worried and was wondering who would do this to such a young kid, and Elizabeth was a mess. She was surprisingly more upset than Chris, she probably was because she actually saw how bad Charlie's neck looked. Elizabeth was told not to go inside the room when her neck was visible but one day she was worried so she peeked in and almost screamed. She broke down as she saw how bruised Charlie's neck was, it was almost completely purple. Her father, William carried her out of the room and comforted her. He told Elizabeth that Charlie would be alright and he was right.
Charlie sat down at the kitchen table, looking at the empty seat that used to belong to her mother. She ran out on them after Charlie was hospitalized. She said she 'couldn't do this anymore' and that she had fallen out of love with Henry anyways. Charlie remembers the day her mother left like it was yesterday. Sammy was crying and holding onto her leg, begging her to stay, saying he'd never misbehave again. She pet his head and said she'd visit. Henry picked up Sammy and hugged him tightly, they were both crying. Then she stepped into Charlie's hospital room, hugged her gently, and said goodbye. Charlie desperately tried to say 'Mommy please don't go' but she couldn't hardly speak. All she could get out was "M-mommy.." it caused her mother to dash out before she could change her mind. Charlie started to cry her heart out, even though it hurt her throat badly. Charlie's mother did visit, she still does sometimes, but Charlie hates the visits. Charlie hates that her mother just abandoned her, Sammy, and Henry when Charlie was still in critical condition. Henry sets a plate of food in front of Charlie, it's her favorite. Homemade waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast with jam on the side. Henry gives her the syrup bottle for her waffles too. "I hope this is okay, I'm not the best cook." Henry says to Charlie, hoping she likes it. "Dad you're the best cook I know, why else would I eat your food all these years over anyone else's?" Charlie smiles reassuringly, she knows her father has a lack of self esteem especially after the divorce. Henry smiles and pats Charlie's head, "Thank you honey. Now eat up don't you have to meet Susie soon?" Charlie takes a bite of her syrup covered waffle and nods, "Yeah she wants to talk about something, she just said to meet at Freddy's as usual." Sammy speaks up as he eats his breakfast, "She's pretty cute, did she ask for me to tag along?" Charlie rolls her eyes, "You always say she's cute but you never ask her out, but yeah she said you could come too if you wanted." Sammy smiles, "Yes!! Hey maybe today will be the day I ask her out, you never know! Anyways you're too nervous to ask out-" Charlie speaks up, "Shut up!! You never know maybe I will!" Henry laughs a little and sits down with his children. "Haha I remember being your age and being in love, you two just be home before 11. I'll extend your curfew just for tonight. If you do well and stay safe maybe I'll leave it at 11." Sammy's eyes go wide and he smiles, "For real?! Finally now I don't have to be the kid who has to be home before 9!" Henry frowns a bit, "Hey there are some creepy weirdos out after 9! That's why I'm trying to convince William to change the closing hours of Freddy's to 9 instead of 10-11." Charlie chimes in, "Oh come on Freddy's is pretty safe! And people usually come in cars so it's not like anyone is walking home that late. I know you're scared but being out after 9 isn't that bad, dad. My friends are out that late all the time." Henry sighs and looks at Charlie, "Please don't make me regret extending your curfew, I just want you two to be safe." Charlie feels bad and nods, "I know dad but I promise we'll be fine. It's been 14 years since..the incident and nothing has happened. We're okay, let's all just try to let loose for once." Henry knowing Charlie probably just wants to let loose so she can move on nods hesitantly, "Alright fine. But if you two are even a little late I'm calling Clay and he'll be looking for you two." Sammy nods, "That's fine! We'll be back before 11!" The Emily family finishes up their breakfast and makes small talk. Henry mentions how glad he is that Chris and Michael get along now, Michael used to bully the poor boy so much when they were younger but stopped a few years back. Michael got caught trying to put Chris' head inside of Fredbear's mouth but luckily was stopped. After William explained the situation to him it made Michael realize how dangerous that was, Chris probably would've died or at least been in critical condition. Ever since what could've been a tragedy Michael has been nicer to Chris and mostly everyone else too.
Charlie finishes up her breakfast and grabs her bag, "Alright Sammy lets go! Susie wants us all there by noon and it's already 11:30." Sammy nods and gets up, "Alright! See ya dad, will you be alright while we're gone?" Henry nods and smiles reassuringly, "Of course I'll be fine! You two have fun!" Charlie smiles and waves goodbye to her father. She's finally got a whole day ahead of her to do whatever she wants.
On the way to Freddy's Sammy nudges Charlie's shoulder, "Hey not to freak you out, but I think we're being followed. Don't turn around." Charlie rolls her eyes, thinking it's probably one of her friends Sammy doesn't remember and turns back to look. "Sammy stop messing with me like that, it's literally just John and Carlton." Sammy laughs, "I'm sorry I wanted you to lighten up! Dad has gotten you paranoid over the years so I wanted to show you that nothing's wrong." Charlie nods, "Alright fine, I'll let it slide this time but only this time." John and Carlton catch up with them and smile. Carlton speaks up first, "Hey did you two think we were some creepy stalkers or something? I saw Charlie look back all scared." Charlie nudges Sammy, "This jerk had me think we were being followed! He's picking on me because dad always has me keep my guard up." John chimes in, "Well I think it's an alright strategy, better safe than sorry as they say. But it's good to let your guard down too, Charlie. I'd say it's stressful being worried all the time." Charlie nods, John was absolutely right. It was mentally exhausting and she just wants to move on. She's tired of worrying that someone will come up to her and try to kill her. John grabs her hand and leads her into Freddy's, "Well then let's have some fun today!"

Sorry I didn't wanna make this too long so I decided to do multiple parts because I love this au but I wanna get out more parts! I've been working on this one for awhile and it's only a little over 1,500 words so yeah it's gonna he a couple of parts long because I like it but don't wanna make a whole book for it. I hope you all like this!! Drink water, rest, and take care of yourselves! 💗💜💙

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