“I am not old enough to be a grandpa.”  I was a little bit shocked. She sighed.

“Well my birth control is 98 percent effective and so are condoms. I would trust you to know I'm smart enough to be very careful. But since we are having this super awkward conversation, we aren’t having sex.” Lily was keeping her face emotionless and voice monotone.  “If we are being super honest and awkward, it would most likely be in his bed anyway.” I pinched her inside of her thigh hard. She did a good job of hiding the pain. Both her parents stopped eating and started at her.

“You started this, I’m just trying to be honest. So mom already knows, as does Giles. I have made a choice to not partake in….” She thought for a moment, it was her dad after all. “Home base activities as long as possible. I don’t want to take risks unnecessarily. I’m all too aware.” She stopped herself.  The table went silent. She stood up and took her plate to the counter. “Thank you for making arrangements Mother. Dinner was delicious.” 

She left the kitchen and I followed. She was already  in the shower when I went into her bathroom. The light off, as always. She reached for me before I even opened the door and rested against me. Her cheek to my chest. I knew she was listening to my heartbeat because she was tapping it out on my back.  I pressed my fingertips up and down her spine. She moved to rest her forehead to my chest.

    I pressed my palms into her shoulders and felt her melt into me.  Her skin pressed into mine, her soft belly against my lower abdomen and pelvis. I combed my fingers through her hair and laid  it down her back. 

    “Are you ok?” She kissed my chest. 

    “Yeah, I”m just..emotional.” She held me for a minute more. Then she took a hand full of shampoo and slathered my hair. I turned around and tilted my head back so she could reach. She rinsed it out and put in conditioner. Then she lathered her hands and washed my body. Worked her fingers between mine, massaged my muscles up my arms. Pushed her palms into my back, working out any stress still remaining. Squeezing my calves and palmed my thighs.  “You gotta wash ya business.” 

    “Can I wash your business.” She shook her head. I was let down. 

    “I’m exhausted. I feel yucky.” She let me wash her but dressed in long pajama pants and a big t-shirt. The table beside her bed was full of things. Bottles of water, pain killers, snacks and a heating pad. She had given me a similar set up. The t.v. was already ready to play a movie which we didn’t usually didn’t watch till bedtime. We watch Bob’s Burgers seasons or Adult Swim. 

    “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I need Jamie in my life right now.” I had no idea what she meant. We settled under the covers and she started the movie. Which wasn’t a movie at all. It was a t.v. series she had on dvd. Featuring a scottish dude she was hot for.  We watched three episodes before she got up and went to the bathroom. I took the opportunity to change out to a movie. 

    When she got back in bed she took some pills and turned the heating pad on high. She curled up into the heat and snuggled into my side. I started the movie and it was only a few moments and she was out. I watched until my eyes were heavy and fell asleep.

       I was floating the void of peaceful sleep when I felt something pulling me away. My eyelids were heavy but my nervous system was coming alive. 

    I managed to groggily  open my eyes. Lily had her hand wrapped around my cock and was slowly jerking me. I looked over, she didn’t have her eyes open.  I nudged her but she didn’t move, except for slowly moving her hand up and down my length. Her whole body jerked and she clamped down on my dick. It felt amazing. I leaned over and nipped at her ear. 

    “Lil” She didn’t respond. “Lil” I said it louder. She moved her head toward me but did not open her eyes. I felt like it was just an automatic response to me. Her body responded to me, even when she didn’t want to. It was how I knew that she really wanted me. It also was how I knew that Melanie never really did.  

    We were in the lunchroom eating with our now mixed group. Serge and Beth were dating now. Which was weird because she never stopped talking and he never spoke a word. He was also built like a russain mafia henchman with a decent mug. She was more on the plush side. I thought he liked the Primpy chicks because they were always around. But then I realized if you don’t talk you can tell anyone to go away. He caused quite the breaking news when he said one word to Britney Holland. He was alone with Beth when she walked up and  started interfering with them. 

    Beth is too sweet to tell anyone off so she just politely tried to add her into the conversation. But Britney is a bitch and she popped off at the mouth. Beth was caught off guard at the meanness and Serge wasn’t having it. He gestured for her to go then said. “Leave”  His stare is intense. I have been on the receiving end of that before. 

    I made an off handed remark about Britney and Lil didn’t like that. They didn’t stoop down to mean girl level. No matter what, there was no going down to their level. It was not getting anyone anywhere. We chose how to handle all situations. I had heard her speech a few times by now. I slipped my hand up her thigh and cupped her pussy. She happened to have a skirt on that day. I caught her off guard and her body responded beautiful to me.

    Her tights squeezed my hand and she bucked her hips into my fingers. She shot a look over at me. She was upset but she wanted me. I saw her nipples peak through her thin shirt and lace bra. She squeezed my hand again when I fluttered my fingers.  It was just a random thought later that popped into my head. Melaine never responded like that. She could push me out of her and be unfazed. 

    Lily looked so peaceful next to me. Her hand had stilled allowing me to get lost in my thoughts and I was about to tuck her away when she gasped awake. She clutched her stomach for a moment that fumbled looking for the heating pad control. All while still grasping my penis. Then she stilled and lightly constricted her fingers. 

    “Well sorry for sexually assaulting you in your sleep.” She let go and looked away. 

    “You were also asleep. Besides you can have me anytime you want me. You can grab this dick whenever you please” She giggled, got up and stretched with a wince. “Are you ok?” 

    “Hey, I just need some hot water on my back and belly.” I followed her into the shower holding her against me while the water pelted her back. I massaged her back and she made happy noises. After a few minutes she pulled back and we let the water run down our stomachs. I went to touch her lower belly and she grabbed my hands. 

    “Lil what’s wrong, did I hurt you?” She shook her head no.

    “I’m just not sure how I feel about you, basically playing with my... fat.” Her grip on my hands was strong. Her breathe was shallow.  I didn’t know what to say. 

    “I was going to massage your sore belly. How is that..what you said." I wasn't going to say what she said. She released my hands like she was released from confines. She cover her belly with her hands. 

    “That's what it feels like to me. It makes me feel….You really like me right?” Her voice trembled. Oh no. 

    “Of course I do.” I grabbed her jaw turned her face toward me. “ I wouldn’t even be here if I didn't. We have been together since the first week of school pretty much.” She rested her hand on my chest. I took a finger from her jaw and traced her lower lip.” If I didn’t like you why would I spend so much time with you.  Why can’t I stand it when I’m not with you?” I kissed her and she started crying. 

    “No I’m happy.” She spoke against my lips. “I'm a hot mess.” She let me massage her belly. I sucked and bite her neck the entire time. I waited for her to ask for something more. But she didn’t or wouldn’t.  I stepped out and gave a few minutes more to soak and got the heating pad ready. She came out in a sweatshirt that was clearly suppose to be a sleep shirt. She smiled at me. “Your hands are amazing.”

    “Thank you” She laid down and curled into the heating pad.  Her head was on my shoulder and she was playing with my hair. Then her hand moved to my cheek, her thumb stroking back and forth. Her eyes gazed at my lips. She took a breathe but let it out.  Her eyes started to close and I watched her fall asleep. 

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