Part 2

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So after heating up, things all were fine for Luiz and the guys. they finished training and went to the club's cafeteria to chill and drink some hot tea. All sat and were having little conversations and laughs here and there. when Marco Veratti stood up and tapped on his cup with a spoon:

Veratti: Attention please! I was thinking with my mate Digne here that my birthday is in two days, and the guy is gonna get married very soon! how about we make a little party just for us and our families or loved ones?? agree every body ?

"YEEAH!" every one yelled 

Veratti: Okay then, I'll send you all details today on your Whatsapps.

Luiz: Bro send on instagram I dont have whatsapp at the moment

Veratti: okay.

Luiz wasn't really that excited for that party.. every one will be with their girlfriends and stuff "meh.. hell with it "

Later that day Veratti and Digne sent the details for all. Party will be held at a small restaurant in Paris. Didn't want something too fancy so they don't have people gathering all over around them. they preferred it private.

David called Moura nagging 

David:Did you get their msg.. I don't wanna go you know

Moura: i know you, you just want to nag that's all, I know you'll go 

D: mmm maybe but..

M: David, meu amigo, I know what you're thinking.. it's Sara right?

D: not that, its just, i might feel an outsider ,, *sigh* never mind

M: I'm going solo too, wanna go as dates??? hahahaha 

D: shut up 

M: btw, Thiago offered that his wife can get her friends, so me and and you can dance with females, not ending up dancing with each other haha

D: maaan you're so funny today. ahh listen I'm gonna take a long shower then get back you, let's go out at evening. see ya

M: I like the idea, we might get chicks!!

D: Bye -_-

What a party! (David Luiz/PSG)Where stories live. Discover now