"Can't wait to have ya on the team, I'm sure you'll have tons of fun this year" she nodded as a response and that's where the conversation ended but in the corner Daichi was smiling because she finally talked to someone without him beside her pushing her too, even if her responses were one word he was still proud of her, he saw that she was starting a new friendship with Ennoshita, the same way she started her friendships with suga and Asahi. When Daichi started bringing over Suga and Asahi to their house he would force her to hang out with them so she'd at least have a few friends other then her brother. It worked, she was now comfortable around the two boys. And he knew that if Ennoshita kept up with talking to her little by little they'd become friends. He wasn't worried anymore, he knew Ennoshita would look out for her and make sure she had a couple of friends or at least him.

~time skip: first day of school~

The Sawamura's and Ennoshita's were neighbors and Ennoshita and Daichi would often walk to school together. Ennoshita went to the house and knocked on the door by habitat but realized and was about to turn around when Daichi opened the door. He hadn't left for college yet and so he was still home.

"Hey Ennoshita!" He said

"Hey, I knocked on the door by habitat" he laughed "I'm so used to walking with you to school"

"Well hey since your here, you could walk with Y/n to school" he suggested hoping that he'd except so that they would possibly talk more

"Sure!" Ennoshita smiled

"Hey Y/n! Ennoshita's gonna wack with you to school, ok?"

"Ok" this ok was loud enough for Ennoshita to hear this time. He was shocked and Daichi saw

"Yeah, she can be pretty loud at home" he laughed "definitely different from the y/n you've seen huh?"

"Definitely, I didn't know she could speak above a whisper" he laughed

Y/n walked up to the door ready to go and Daichi gave her a hug and a brotherly kiss in the forehead

"Have a great day" he said

"Thanks, Dad" y/n whispered and rolled her eyes

The two set off Ennoshita's hands in his pockets and y/n intertwined in front oh her.

"You and your brother are pretty close huh?" Ennoshita said breaking the silence

"Yeah, we always have been." She said surprising him with a full sentence answer

"I see" he said "so, you exited for your first day of high school?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going

"Mhm" she hummed

"I don't know if I'm convinced you're excited just from a "Mhm" y/n" he said slightly teasing her

"I am" she said in a slightly defensive tone

"Mkay" he smiled

The rest of the walk was quite. Occasionally Ennoshita would ask a simple question like what her favorite show was or what her favorite book was but after she answered it would go back to silence. They eventually reached the school entrance and headed in.

"Hey Ennoshita?"

"Yeah?" He said surprised she started the conversation

"Could you help me find my class?"

"Sure, what class are you in?"


"Alright well Miss. smarty pants, your class is right over here." He said walking her to her class while Y/n giggled at what he had called her

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now