"I didn't take the map by the way, I just had a look to get an idea of where to go," Elyza cleared up after a short pause as she began changing into more comfortable clothes that she borrowed from Alicia's bag without permission. Alicia didn't seem to mind, and she seemed to be getting used to having Elyza change in front of her. Alicia looked up at the ceiling but Elyza could have sworn her eyes lingered on her body for a moment while she was in between clothing, before looking away.

"Anyways, I left after I saw what I needed but..." said Elyza.

"But?" asked Alicia, keeping her gaze fixed on the ceiling.

"But we both know you couldn't survive without me princess" she joked, earning yet another laugh from the brunette.

"The truth is..." Elyza began again but Alicia interrupted her without thinking, "I knew you were a stalker." Elyza simply chuckled as she finished changing and laid back on her bed after pulling her hair into a loose bun.

"What I didn't know was that you are reeeeaaally dramatic. I mean, I kinda knew you were into theatrics from when you plunged into a pool from the second floor balcony, but crashing through the church windows on a motorcycle yelling 'surprise motherfuckers' was... I mean, really? The only thing missing was background music. " added Alicia.

"What, you don't like grand entrances princess?" joked Elyza. They both laughed out loud at each others comments.

After a few moments of silence, Alicia spoke again, with a more solemn tone this time. "I don't think we would have made it out of there alive if it hadn't been for you. Thank you for saving..." me, "...us."

I did it for you, thought Elyza. She wasn't one to usually shy away from feelings. She pretty much always said what she thought and she would have said it this time except she thought maybe it was too honest, too soon. She chose to sit in silence instead.

"I knew you heard me and my mom talk last night. I'm sorry about what she said," said Alicia not long after.

"Don't worry about it princess. Besides, your mom is right not to trust anyone. She was right about me too. I am a thief technically. I broke into your truck to steal your map remember?" she said.

"Now you sound like Nick, and my mom."  Said Alycia as she turned for a second, to check Elyza's expression. It was soft and warm so she supposed Elyza hadn't been offended by what had come out almost like contempt. She was glad about it; she hadn't intended to accuse her of anything. "How very mature of you to admit your wrongdoings" she added with a smile, pretending to sound like an adult.

"Good thing you're not a cop. I don't do well with those, though I do them well if you know what I mean," answered Elyza, who could not help herself from taking the chance to be a little naughty.

"Gross", Alicia giggled at the comment. "I'm an undercover cop actually. I would arrest you right now, but I'm too tired for it. I'll cuff you tomorrow" Alicia said as she met Elyza's gaze for a split second, only to see her biting her lip, and then Alicia went red at the realization of what she had just implied. She had meant it as an innocent joke, but what she was thinking after seeing Elyza biting her lip was anything but. Oh crap! She immediately looked back at the ceiling and she felt the air in the room get heavy. She pushed thoughts of Elyza in a cop outfit and her cuffing Elyza out of her head. She was thankful Elyza was a bed away right now because who knew what the woman would have done if she had been closer to her. After all, she had a way of ignoring Alicia's boundaries, and Alicia needed those with her. 

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