Will you teach me

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Alicia woke up to find Elyza was not in her bed and her IPod was gone from the nightstand where she remembered leaving it. How many times is this woman gonna take my Ipod? she thought as she got up and walked out of her room.

She stepped onto the balcony that overlooked the garden and found Elyza working out. She hadn't really seen her fighting skills in action since she first laid eyes on her, and though she had caught a glimpse of her fighting the zombies in hand to hand combat that day, her memory was blurry.

For the first time, she actually got a good look of Elyza moving, and she was impressive. She was extremely agile as she moved effortlessly around the garden and took fighting stances while holding a knife in her hand. What weapon doesn't she carry? The movements and the air made her hair fly in all different directions and the whole thing looked like a movie scene.


Elyza was wearing her fingerless gloves and her glasses, which managed not to fall throughout the training session she had just witnessed. She looks even more badass than usual. Alicia also noticed Elyza had her headphones on and was listening to her IPod to which a small smile escaped her lips. She kept her eyes fixed on the blonde and she hadn't noticed the huge grin that took over her face in a matter of seconds.

It was a couple of minutes until Elyza noticed she was being watched; she looked up to find Alicia gazing at her in wonder. Elyza smiled and threw a kiss her way. Alicia blushed a little as she realized she had been caught, but she hoped Elyza couldn't see her well from where she was. She rolled her eyes at the fly kiss.

"Isn't that my IPod?" she yelled, as she pursed her lips to show her barely believable discontent at the fact that she had taken her IPod, though in honesty she didn't really care.

"Come and get it princess!" Elyza yelled back.

Alicia smiled and went back inside. She was about to go down in her pajamas but she had a better idea. She went to her room and decided to put on some workout clothes, or whatever she had that would work for what she had in mind. She changed into them quickly and went downstairs to the garden with her bat, recalling Elyza having said that she would teach her to give a decent swing.

"Morning. How'd you sleep princess?" said Elyza as soon as Alicia stepped into the garden, closing the sliding glass door behind her. It was a hot day and Elyza was wearing a tank top. Alicia could see the sweat sliding down her cleavage without actually looking directly at it.

"Fine" she answered, "You stole my IPod. Again." She added emphasizing the last part, trying to hide her smile after remembering Elyza's late night revelation.

Elyza pointed at herself and said "Thief, remember? Did you expect any less?"

"What's that about?" asked Alicia as she played with her bat to distract herself from how good the blonde looked despite being all sweaty.

"What do you mean?" responded Elyza, as she paused the music she had been listening to on Alicia's IPod.

"The stealing thing. Were you really a thief before all this?"

"I was a lot of things before the apocalypse. I'm a lot of things now." She said.

In denial//clexa-lexarke anHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin