"I'm not an expert in medicine, so I don't know seriously, but for what I've seen it doesn't look good at all," He says to me and I feel the walls that I have built around my heart coming down and the pain in my chest that once was dull is now getting stronger, "but I can guarantee you something," He continues capturing my attention once again, "I'll do my best for her to get better."

I give him a small nod letting him know that I not only understood him but believe him. He wraps his arms around me and brings my cold body to his much larger one, I'm instantly grateful with the warmth that only his body can provide me and being engulfed in his arms is one of the best feelings ever. But not even this incredible feeling can stop the pain in my heart.

I can tell that my walls are crumbling down just like the Berlin wall, I tried to lock out the most sentimental part of me so I could handle this better, I isolated myself so maybe I could find a solution but with Nathan on my way, that's impossible. He always finds a way to get through my heart, to make me feel even the things that I prefer to hide and ignore.

I grab the soft fabric of his shirt and rest my face against it when I see the silver cross that he had moments ago in his mouth.

"Were you praying moments ago?" I go straight to the point not wasting another minute to think clearly.

He stays quiet for a while most likely because of all the things I could have asked him definitely he wasn't expecting this one, but he ends up replying to me with a simple yes.

"Do you believe in God then?" I say right away after he answered me.

"Yes, I do. Why? Don't you?"

"I do." I clarified him and an 'oh' escapes his mouth with no meaning what so ever.

"Why are you asking this?" He inquires me.

"I just don't understand." I mumble in his chest.

"What?" He passes his hands and fingers through my hair constantly never ceasing the action while waiting for me to speak.

"Why doesn't He do something about this? I'm not even saying for Him to take us out of the woods or lead us the way out of here. I'm only asking for Him to help Sarah. With so much evil in the world Sarah is the one that is at the gates that separate life from death... why not doing something about it?"

"Maybe he has other plans for her." Nathan says, he rest his cheek on my head and now rubs my arms to provide some heat.

"Is His plan to take her away from us? From her friends? From the only life she knows? Is that fair?" My voice breaks at the end and another tear leaves me.

"I don't know cupcake, but I know that we can try and make everything we can for her." He says softly. "Think positive. We are going to take care of her."

"How so?"

"To start we've the pills so she can take them and Beth is helping Sarah's health and watching her closely, then we can take them to the cave with the lagoon so we can clean her wound much better and the others also need to take a bath and let's not forget about the food. If we find food then we can give it to her, and she'll have more energy and proteins in her body to fight."

"I still don't know how we ran out of food so quickly."

"We didn't bring much food because we never thought that we would get lost."

"Yeah but still, the food disappeared so fast."

"Are you insinuating something? Any idea?" Nathan questions me but I only shake my head.

"Unfortunately, no."

"What do you think tomorrow or even today when the raining stops we go out and try to find something to eat? The rain cleaned the paths so it's easier for us to see the things.." Nathan suggests and I agree with him, I will go anywhere he wants if that will help us in this situation, but I don't think the rain will stop anytime soon so we'll probably have to wait till tomorrow.

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