Chapter 39

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 "C'mon Kate!"



"I said no Nathan."

Least to say that our cute and coupley moment ended pretty soon. When Nathan dropped me to the ground we spent so many minutes just talking, laughing and to be honest even making out, but after that I realized that Nathan didn't take me here only because this place it's a natural beauty but for us to take the so long and waited bath that we needed for weeks.

I was delighted at first I was finally going to get clean and get all the dirt from the last weeks and some part of the stress leave my body, but everything changed when I heard a splash and when I turned around Nathan was... well, for lack of better word let's say almost as naked as a baby.

His boxers were the only piece of clothing in his body.

I must say that the vision was wonderful out of the sudden, the cavern was even more beautiful and very hot, and then he said that I should join him...

In another time, on another place I would go there with him gladly, but I just don't feel like going in, and I'm also shy. The guy is a Greek God you can't blame me, can you?

Eventually, I agreed on coming in but said that I needed a few minutes alone, he was confused but didn't protested so I left him I grabbed my backpack and went to a more private place. As soon as I was out of his sight I opened my bag and took the razor, it took me a few minutes as I was expecting to get all shaved and done. Yet I felt like I wasn't ready to go and wanted to waste more time, so I put some cream on my legs, which is stupid since I'm going to get into the water.

Before I go and join Nathan I take a few deep breaths and dress up all again, when I leave my hiding site and face him he is playing with the water just like a small kid.

When he sees me, he smiles at me, but a frown replaces it very quickly.

"Why are you still dressed?" He asks me.

"Hmm... I don't know."

"Undress then."

"What?" I say in a high pitched voice.

"You know that to take a shower or bath you have to get into the water and for that you need to undress." He tells me and I feel embarrassed because I know perfectly well that I have to get into the water with him there but I'm acting all shy around him, it's not the first time that I'm going to show my body to a boy so I don't know why I'm reacting this way.

"Right..." I say while biting the inside of my cheek.

He looks at me expectantly and then an idea appears, "Turn around!" I say when my brain processes the plan that I have on mind.

"What?" He questions me.

"Turn around, you aren't deaf yet."

"C'mon Kate!"


"Please." He pouts.

"I said no Nathan!" I cross my arms over my chest, and I see Nathan's eyes shifting to my boobs before I cough, and he looks to my eyes again.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." I exclaim still in the same position.

"You do realize that I'll be able to see your body when you get in right?"

"I know." I say with the same strength in my voice as I had a second ago.

"We'll have sex someday so I'm going to see every inch of your body if not today, tomorrow or the day after." He states matter of fact.

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