Chapter 7

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I'm sat down next to Sarah. Lucy and Beth are on the seats ahead of ours. I was acquaintance with the fact that this was going to be a long journey and I wish I was feeling tired so I could close my eyes for a while and reduce the hours.

I slump farther into my place and look outside and see what is surrounding me. Even though we are on a road you can see the outline of trees that will most likely be the beginning of woods. I ask myself what could be in there. A completely different world that is for sure, a world called wild nature. The wind stronger and fresher than any other, the wolves howling at the moonlight, the squirrels playing around, the leaves crunching, the magic in that place.

Not that I know, but I've always wanted too. When I was younger I believed that somewhere in the forests and woods there were a portal to another dimension, but not the creepy kind of way, but one that would lead us to a magical place that we humans have no knowledge about.

I begged so many times to my parents to let me go camping, because I was determined to find this mystic paradise, but they never let me.

Now looking at the trees I realize that I don't share the same thoughts that that little me did, so long ago. I don't believe that inside the woods exists some kind of gateway that will take me to a fairy land, but the woods and forests itself are portals to a dimension that we, human beings, still don't understand, a place that we can't control and we don't rule, like the cities. It's habitants being the wild animals there.

One day I will get my chance to go camping. Hopefully.

"I can't feel my butt." I turn my head in Sarah's direction and see here shifting with a frown on her face.

"It's there, I can see it, and you didn't leave it in Belfast." I answer her with a ghost of a smile on my lips.

"Ha Ha, you're so funny."

"You finally admit it, took you long enough." I totally knew that she was being sarcastic, but hey, I don't care.

"Now seriously talking, I think that I have a cramp on my butt." She is slapping her butt cheeks, on a bus, full of students, where 70% of them are perverts. I don't know her.

"Can that happen? I mean is that possible?"

"Do I look like I know?" She is getting edgy.

Lucy's head appears in the middle of her and Beth's seat to see what caused such agitation on her backseat, she is received with a tense Sarah still slapping her butt. She looks my way and I shrug. Don't even ask.

I decide to call my brother and kill some time since this travel is going to be really tedious. I dial his number and wait. 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Ray Jepsen receives me and a gasp of laugh escapes my mouth. My big bro is not gay. At all, even though it would be hilarious if he was. Long story short, my big bro does not know how to use his waiting ring or how to change his ringtone, one day he played a prank on me and this was my payback. 'Call Me Maybe' as his waiting ring and 'Baby' from Justin Bieber as his ringtone. A malicious smile appears on my lips while I wait for him to pick up.

"Hey, hey shortcake."

"Hey, dickhead." We are lovely admit it.

"How is my little sister?"

"Good, you? Still haven't burned the house?" He takes around a minute to answer me, and I know that he is remembering the last time I stayed away from home more than three days.

Not funny.

"I'm fine, and I've been ordering pizza and Chinese, I don't want to repeat the same the tragic thing." I hear voices on the background which puts me immediately on alert.

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