35. More Than Words (Part 1)

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"All you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hand and touch me. Hold me close, don't ever let me go. More than words is all I ever need you to show. Then you wouldn't have to say that you'd love me cause I'd already know."
- More Than Words by Westlife


A piece of paper ended up in front of a man with big eyes and white skin. Well, not as white as another man who was sitting beside him, though. He moved his hand to sign and gave the paper back to The Civil Officer in front of him. The Officer then showed them a certificate and handed out some documents. After congratulating the couple, the officer got out of the room.

The big eyed man smiled at the certificate and turned to the man beside him to delivered it. "Happy birthday, Win."

Win gave Bright a wide smile with sparkly eyes. "Thank you," He accepted the marriage certificate.

"From now on, I'll be in your care and you'll be in my care. I'll be with you for the rest of my life," The wide smile from Win made Bright uncontrollably let his thought out and Win, who was looking at the certificate, looked up to see Bright with his eyes widened. "I know I'm still lack at many things when it comes to treat you well, but I will never stop trying to understand you more everyday. I will-"

"So many promises," Win chuckled. "You just want to say that you love me, don't you, Phi?"

"Umm," Bright nodded.

Win laughed. He put the certificate on the table and his hands grabbed Bright's to hold. "Just promise me that we will not only share the happiness together, but the burden, too. Share me about everything. You've been trying to do it all this years, and that's enough for me. Put your trust in me more and more because P'Bright know that I'll give everything to you."

Bright blinked a few times while looking deeply into Win's eyes. "You are amazing, Win."

"Huh? What do you mean? In bed?"

Bright rolled his eyes after being teased by Win and looked away.

Win grinned. He did not mean to be playful but he knew Bright was getting emotional. It was not the right place. If Bright treated him softly right here right now, Win could not control himself to hug or kiss the older one.


Bright turned his face to Win immediately when Win mentioned their current status.

"Husband." Win repeated it while his lips and eyes curving, showing his feeling clearly.

The flowers bloomed inside Bright, he felt ticklish, more than just normal butterflies flying around inside his chest. He extended his arm to cup on of Win's cheeks and rubbed it tenderly.

Win stared at Bright who was doing the same thing at him. No words from the older one and Win patiently waited for Bright to let him go.


Hearing Bright finally said it, Win had no other option but to jump and hug his husband tightly. After being loved back by Bright and telling the world that this man was his boyfriend, now Bright was officially his.

"I won't let you down, I won't let you fall, and I won't let you go, P'Bright," Win whispered. "P'Bright is Win's."

"So, it's official?"

Bright nodded at the group consisted of Tay, Off, Guy, Arm, and the rarely presented, Foei.

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