Chapter 7- cos I've got you!

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Charlotte's POV

That's it Dougie has left for tour. For two whole weeks i wont get to see him. Its weird how even though i have only just meet him i have become so dependant on him. Its like as long as he is with me no one can hurt me. No one. just hearing his voice simply made my day better every time, and to know he may have been thinking about me too. I broke away from deep thoughts as my eyes slowly opened from my daydream and a bright red flashing light caught my eye. I gave my eyes a few seconds to focus and I read "02:35" from the digital clock sat on my bedside table. I let out a loud moan realising I won't be getting any sleep tonight. I wounder what time it is in LA, so I sat up a reached under my pillow for my phone. The bright light from my screen made my eyes wince as I began searching for his name in the contacts. I waited until the third rang and then I heard a slightly distant mumble "urm charl .... is that you?" I nodded. Then I realised he couldn't see me "yeah" "what time is it with you" "urmm half two in the morning, I am sorry I just couldn't sleep" I reveled to him. "oh that's okay I meant what I said before I left you can call me whenever" I smiled making the same mistake as earlier "thanks so what you up to?" "not much the boys are playing some FIFA downstairs and I am sat in my bunk talking to you so whats up why can't you get to sleep?" he asked me oh great here we go I am gonna have to explain everything to him. Actually no I don't its not like I am his girlfriend I'll just be honest but leave out some parts."urm.. yeah.. I am fine just over thinking things after a bad dream I will be fine" I don't know whoa i an trying to convince more me or him. I feel like what ever I say to him will come out wrong and he will judge me. "okay but thinking about what?" "as i said over thinking stuff don't worry about me seriously I just wanted cheering up not to talk about it so have you played your first show yet?" I asked trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. "okay okay but you can always talk to me you can trust me and urm Yeah we played the first show in New York last night" "wow new york eh thats amazing I have always wanted to go there, did you get to see the city much" "urm Yeah it is pretty cool and Yeah we stayed in new York the night before so we had a few hours to go shopping and times square which was amazing" and our conversation went on like this for ages until i eventually drifted off to sleep. When i woke up the next morning i had one new text from Dougie.

Dougie: Well I guess you fell asleep, i didn't think i was that boring but hope you slept okay and morning beautiful <3

Wow how did I get so lucky i never thought i would be getting those stereotypical "cute" texts. I guess after all I feel asleep and woke up with a Smile on my face for what feels like the first time in forever. All because of Dougie. I let out a small giggle and began getting dressed and ready for my eventful day. Not I had another day off, which I would normally be pleased with but I needed to keep myself busy. With no plans for the day this could be quite hard. I walked into the kitchen and made myself some coco pops and poured myself some OJ. I went into the lounge with my cereal and turned on Kerrang All time low were on with "for Baltimore" my joint favourite band with McFly. I let out a small squeal of happiness and tried to eat my cereal as quickly as possible then I picked up the TV remote and started singing along out of tune on purpose. Times like this I am very pleased I live on my own.

A/N: sorry this is another crap filler but I need to build up the story lines about her past and her and Dougie so thanks for reading, please comment, vote or fan <3

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