Episode 13 - Another Battle Begins! Confrontation with the Lemon Archer!

Start from the beginning

Yuuta: After all, our war with each other earlier took a toll on us all.

Naomi: True. Anyway, I actually came by here for another purpose.

Yuuta: What is it?

Naomi: Lord Kenshin has ordered me and you to go on patrol around our territories.

Yuuta: Wait, are you talking about me?

Naomi: Who else am I speaking to.

Yuuta: But why me?

Naomi: Lord Kenshin and Lord Shingen suggested we should get to know one another as fellow armored riders. I will be waiting out at the village's entrance. I suggest you to not be late.

Naomi then walks away.

Yuuta: Welp, I guess that's my que. I'll catch you two later.

Sakura: Alright, then. Good luck out there!

Kuroh: *bark**bark*!


Yuuta, along with Naomi, are walking around a forest, patrolling the area.

Yuuta, along with Naomi, are walking around a forest, patrolling the area

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As they are walking, Naomi began speaking with Yuuta.

Naomi: You... Yuuta Shirayanagi, was it?

Yuuta: Yep, that's me. What's up, Naomi?

Naomi: Enough of speaking to me lightly.

Yuuta: Huh?

Naomi: Even though both of us are members of the alliance, I do not accept you as my ally.

Yuuta: What? But, why? I know you still have a grudge over our previous battle, but we can at least be friends.

Naomi: *scoff*Friends? I'm surprised Takeda allowed you to join them with your bold words. The reason I'm accepting this is because of Lady Michiko and Lord Keshin's wishes. I will show no mercy to you if you stand in my way.

Yuuta: Alright, yes ma'am.

As they both continue to walk, both of them hear talking in a distance.

Naomi: Who is that?

Yuuta: Hey, Naomi. Over here.

As Yuuta waved to Naomi in whisper, she went over and both of them saw a bunch of Kurokages walking on a path.

Yuuta: Kurokages...

Naomi: ...! That symbol on their banners, they're from Toyotomi.

Yuuta: Toytotomi!? What are they doing out here in the middle of this forest?

Naomi: I do not know. But this can't be allowed since they stepped into our territory.

Yuuta: What are we going to do now? Should we head back and tell the others?

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