~Chapter Six~

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Your POV:

When the break time came, I rushed to the canteen to have my food first as I was hungry. I never used to have a large appetite so I ate my small meal quickly and then after washing my hands, I took my phone and purse and walked behind the playground to the garden which was less crowded. After I reached there, I looked around but didn't find anyone waiting for me so instead, I waited for some time. Turned around immediately when I felt a tap on my shoulder and felt amazed to see a teenager cute girl whom I hadn't seen before.

"Are you waiting for someone?" she asked.
"Is it for a boy?"
"I guess so-"
"Then it is for you," she handed me a letter in envelope and ran away before I could stop her.

"What is this?" I mumbled to myself before looking around once again and then took out the letter and read,

"What I wanted to tell is, I don't believe that love has anything to do with physical appearance and thus, I want our love story to be a unique one. I won't show myself to you until you fall in love with me for how I am.. I mean I want to see if you can love me for the way I am and then I will show myself to you... Not before that because I am not that beautiful and once you see me, you will reject me anyway so....

Anyways, at below I have written my number, text me your reply there. I love you.

~your secret admirer."

I was nothing rather than confused reading the letter and so I just found the number below and saved it in my phone but didn't understand with what name I would save it. I chuckled at my own foolishness as I saved the number at last with the name "My secret admirer🧐". I waited there for some more seconds before putting the letter inside my purse and walking back to my class. 'I don't know who he is but surely he is interesting,' I thought with a smile and got inside my class.

Jungkook's POV:

I kept standing behind a tree in the playground and kept watching her in the garden from far with a smirk. Thank God, I found a little teenager around here who was probably daughter of any staff working in this university so I could hand over the letter to her instead of doing it myself. "You will never get to know me until you fall in love with me and I will never let anyone else to take you away from me... Whoever will do it, I will finish them. Promise," I mumbled to myself and walked back to my class as well when I saw her going back to her class. Obviously I followed her from back until she reached her class and then got back to my own class.

I wasn't sure if you would really text me but I definitely waited for the moment to happen. It was evening already when I reached my home but there was still no text from you. I kept the phone on the bathroom shelf before entering inside for a shower and after some minutes, the phone vibrated. Though I was in between my shower, I didn't care for it and just managed to stretch my hand out of curtains to take my phone from the shelf and looked into it.

💬1 message from unknown number

The notification caused me goosebumps in an excited way, and so immediately I opened it and read,

"I read your letter but I don't know you... Its okay that you don't want me to show yourself to me but at least I will like to know about you... Your name? Your department? - Y/N"

I smirked and immediately before replying, I saved the number first with the name "Y/N💘🙈".

Your POV:

I was laying on my bed and waiting for his reply, and then his text appeared~

My secret admirer🧐: OMG, I can't believe you texted me. Thank you so much.

That's okay, but what's your name?

My secret admirer🧐: I can't tell you that coz if I tell it, you will search for me in my class and get to see me so no!

Aah, but then with what name shall I call you?

My secret admirer🧐: Uhmm, call me Bunny? I mean, call me 'Bunny' coz I love rabbits.🐇❤️

Awww, okay then Bunny! But how did you get to know me? And how did you fall in love with me?

My secret admirer🧐: I got to know you after some days you joined our university. And slowly fell in love with you.... Now don't ask me how coz true love has no reasons👀🙈

I kinda blushed at his reply and closed my eyes feeling strangely good that after so many years, someone liked me, also someone this cute. 'Bunny...hahaha so cute', I got lost in my thoughts so much that I forgot to reply, so my phone vibrated again.

My secret admirer🧐: You there?

Oh yes. I am. Sorry, continue...

My secret admirer🧐: You seem low suddenly, did I upset you?

Not at all...I was just lost in my thoughts 😂

My secret admirer🧐: Thoughts about me? 😏😏

Huh?😳 No, not at all...Uff

I blushed more than hard and switching off the Internet, I went back to my studies as I needed to complete my homework. I tried my best to forget about that stranger for then, as I didn't want to affect my studies with such thoughts.

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