~Chapter Seven~

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Jungkook's POV:

I waited eagerly for her reply and when I received it, I smirked. She sent the blushing emoticon and that meant surely she was having thoughts of me. I was about to type something but saw that she turned offline. I pouted and typed,

I was kidding. Well I should not disturb you now coz maybe you are studying. Anyways, don't overdo and have a great dinner soon. I love you. Goodnight❤️

I smiled sending the text and as she didn't know who was I, I wasn't nervous saying her 'I love you'. It was a new contact number I just took for her or else she would have got to know from others well that it was my (Jungkook's) number if she asked anyone. My WhatsApp had my profile pic and everything so I had to take a new number and make everything new just for her. I already told before, that for her, I can do anything so yeah. I was feeling bored and a strange feeling of loneliness occupied me which I never felt before. I was just having one very desire for the moment that is to hug Y/N lovingly in my arms and to tell her how beautiful she is, how wonderful she makes me feel. Aaah... I love her so much. I kept rolling around the bed and pouting. Then I thought of opening her FB account and to save all her pictures that were available there. I looked at each of her photo for a long time and just admired her with all my heart and imagined her beside me. Just how beautiful we will look together. Wow!

Your POV:

Next day, I went to university with a big smile as I was happy for no reason. I was walking along the pathway when I suddenly noticed Deong and thus called him by his name, going near to him.

Me: Hey Deong! How are you?
D: Oh Y/N!? Yes, I am fine, how are you? (he blushed a bit while replying though he pretended to stay casual)
Me: I am fine too. By the way, yesterday, was it you who sent me a letter?
D: Letter?
Me: Yes! It was about a love confession.

Deong's POV:

I really didn't have an idea what Y/N was talking about but it was true I was in love with her since a long time now. I was too shy to confess to her but I always waited for an opportunity. I thought finally that opportunity had come. My friends used to tell me that 'everything is fair in love and war', and also 'if a little lie doesn't harm anyone instead helps to make a good outcome then it's not bad'. So even though it wasn't me who wrote her the letter, my heart didn't want to be honest for the first time and so with a smile, I nodded. "Yes yes, it was me who wrote you the letter.. Basically I wasn't brave enough to propose you face to face so thought of...", blushed saying that to her and played with my fingers looking down. To my surprise, Y/N suddenly gave me a warm hug and said, "You fool! You don't know how much I would have been more happy if you had proposed to me directly coz I would have never rejected you!!! I love you too". I was shocked more than anything because I never knew she liked me too but seriously I was too happy that I couldn't explain and just hugged her back tight in my arms forgetting about everything else.

Your POV:

I never realised before that I loved Deong so much which made me react that way. But when I got to know it was him who wrote me the letter, I was so happy from within that I couldn't explain. I kept hugging him until I realised we were getting late for class so I broke the hug smiling shyly. "We should go to class now," I blushed while saying that. "Yes, you are right! See you!," saying that, he was about to leave when I called him again and said, "And remember that you are beautiful! So never call yourself ugly again!". I smiled and ran away to my class not letting him reply as I was too shy by then.

Jungkook's POV:

After Y/N went inside the building, Deong smiled with rosy cheeks and with victorious expression, he went inside the building too. And it was me watching the whole scene since the very beginning from behind a tree and no one knew that. It was obvious because I always had my eyes on my girl and just on the second day after my proposal, she went to an other boy? That boy, named Deong, lied? Didn't he think for even a second what can happen to him if he lies something like that? Cheated me indirectly.... "Just wait for the consequences Deong... You don't know but Y/N is only mine! Mine!!!," mumbled under my breath and went to my class for now.

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