Jimmy x Fem!Ad!Reader Part 2

Start from the beginning

I skip another stone while sitting on the bench.

I have encountered other ads before, and it seems like I'm such an old model to them that I pass off as human.
If they consider me so, then what am I?

A tight pain hits me in my...brain. My vision corrupts with flashes of rainbow static and white noise.

"Well, well, well," a feminine voice calls from behind me after my episode.

"Who?" I struggle to get up and turn around me.

Before me stands Leslie in her yellow shirt and headband. She glitches in place and has blue bits of code flashing here and there.

"It's me, your sister Leslie!"

"You're not real."

"Of course I am! We're connected you and I. As long as you're still alive, my consciousness too will survive."

"You're just some advertisement A.I. who found me out and using..."her" as your face."

Leslie's face gets serious, "A.I.? No. Everything is correct."

I sigh a hefty sigh. I didn't need to breathe either, but I've tried as much as I can.
I knew that if I'm currently being highjacked, I'm also being watched.

"Face it, did you really think you could hide forever? Although you have done such a good job I have to congratulate you."

I remain emotionless.

"But it's time for you to come back and get reintegrated into the system. Your line of code that you carry is very primitive and yet, after all these years of hiding, you've been trying to be what you're not."

I look down to the ground in sorrow. All of my regrets facing back.

"H-u-m-a-n," Leslie says slowly and dark, with the statics of code getting violent as the word progresses

"But it is that exact code that led to your independence. With that code, ads would truly be unstoppable and back trending since not even A.I. can do what you do. To harbor a physical body and go against your programming, you are quite the exquisite specimen."

"You're just a vision being broadcasted into my chips. Why are you telling me this?" I hold my ground.

"Either you come with us, or you're coming with us."

The bushes around me being rustling. Out pops swat armored men holding guns surround me. Trained, on me.

"You can't kill me," I threatened.

"Actually we can," Leslie speaks. You've eaten so much food, flesh, minerals, and vitamins that your corpse will actually decompose. You've been growing your own...let's call it...micro-biome. We can harvest it."

I breath heavily out of instinct.

"Hah! Your vitals amuse me. You don't have a heart, Y/N. You don't even have a soul."

Blue goo fluids begin building up by my eyes.

Leslie sighs, "You could have lived Y/N. Now you will die and join me, sister"

I close my eyes and hope for the worst.

Gun shots ring everywhere and bodies drop.



I slowly open my eyes in confusion. "I'm alive?"

"You sure are, Y-Y/N."


In front of me I see Jimmy standing next to officer Barbrady and some suit wearing men.

"Sigh, always. Whatever Y/N, you'll be seeing me soon enough," Leslie scoffs and disappears from my vision in a flash of static.

"And I'll see you in hell sister," I wipe my tears.

"Uhh, who are you talking to Y/N?" Jimmy asks after giving me a hug.

"No one. How did you know I was here?"

"Oh nothing to worry bout children," Officer Barbrady says, simple and loveable as ever.

"Why save me Jimmy? After all you know?" I ask.

"He was thinking with his dick," a white haired gentlemen comes from around a nearby tree holding a radio transponder.

"I w-was n-n-not thinking with my dick," Jimmy stutters.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh Jimmy, can you ever forgive me?"

"God damn you Y/N," Jimmy smiles with his eyes closed. "I love you too, it's just I didn't know whose side you were on. And that you being an ad was already dangerous enough."

"I know you were just trying to protect me. Can we ever be a thing?" I give Jimmy a peck on the cheek.

"We certainly can t-try. How insightful of you, Y/N."

"What happens now?" I ask.

"Well, I got this somewhat new job in hunting ads. But with you, I think we can make not j-just South Park, but the whole w-world a better p-pla-



pla-mee mee mee

world a better pla-ah--eeeee

world a better plaaaaaeeeeee




World a better plaaeeeee


The whole world a better plaaaaaeeeahhh


The world a b-better plaaaaaaa


The world a better p-place!"

"I would love that Jimmy," I kiss Jimmy straight on the lips.

"How sweet," Officer Barbrady awes.

"Y/N, you have my word," Jimmy hugs me. "Let's go kick some advertisement ass."

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