Jimmy x Fem!Ad!Reader Part 2

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Last edit on this book:

July 27,2020
About 2 years 8 months ago

Yikes bro, how am I still alive?
I mean at the time of writing this someone born in the year 2000 is 23 now. We old
We closer to 2040 then 2000

Idea by:

Months later


I had been spared death that day. Safe to say if I'm still around, Jimmy hasn't revealed me. I guess there is a chance after all...

I live in a foster home. Not much for an ad to go. It was actually my parent's closest friends who have two children of their own. Ever since my arrival, though skeptic, they have raised me as one of their own. Delectations and secrecy about the ad program have kept me hidden, and they're even beginning to test my genetic framework and create an ad blocker that can transmit as a nano-virus.

Unfortunately the project was cut short due to the multi billion dollar industry that is ads. They have evolved into sponsorships with big players such as raid shadow legends, square space, and NordVPN, to name a few.

But then, it evolved insanely quick when TikTok arrived. YouTube shorts followed suit after what they essentially did: feed off of the vine carcass

Life in South Park was more remote and un-influenced ever since a man named Stephen Stotch advocated for newspapers as the main source of information. In reality it didn't change much but it was nice for a change.

I still attended school, but Jimmy and J have been avoiding each other, which seems like the best cause of action. I knew Jimmy was observing me, and if months had gone by, I was doing the right thing. Even PC principal couldn't tell, yet anyway.

Still doesn't elude the fact that Jimmy knows straight up I'm an ad


I was sat comfy in my chair sipping on dark roast courtesy of Tweek's Coffee. Other than maybe Jimmy, Tweek was the one other student I interacted with most: whenever I ordered coffee

I took a sip. I felt the warmth of the coffee go down my throat.
I sighed...
My artificial body had no waste system. Ads don't need food to survive. I guess it's just trying to feel normal in this human world. Of course ads are still built with juman reproductive parts, and when ads and humans can mingle, the world will fall shortly after. Hell, it may already be happening.

I quickly remove that thought from my head by downing all of my coffee and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I never had to go to the bathroom to excuse myself, but sitting on the toilet for 2 minutes really did make me think. Of course...nothing comes out. I guess everything that goes into my body is used up in some way or is converted into biomass.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Jimmy talking with Timmy in the corner of the cafe.
I grunt internally as I try to walk by and out of the store.

"Timmah!" Timmy shouts out as he turns to see me.

God damn it. "Hey Timmy," I try to play it cool with a smile.

"Ad," Jimmy mutters under his breath before coughing. "Y/N, nice to see you."

"Concur," I say as my hand rested on the glass door and I walked out.

Ugh...I do not want it to get as intense as that just did.

Stark's Pond

As an ad, I really had no purpose going for me. Years will go by and I'll either be dead or hidden away, still stuck in this school kid's body, unable to grow.

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