Chapter 3: Blood and Bandages

Start from the beginning

Walking into the staff room, he sat at his desk with his student binder and started working on the paperwork for expelling Yuro Shoi.

His fellow staff members were a bit surprised that it was only one student that he kicked to the boot. Ire spiked in his gut when he found out that they were betting on how many he would expel that day.

Vlad King earned a lot of money that day.

After he was done with the paperwork he sat back in his chair, a cup of coffee in hand, and thought about the plan for the USJ trip.

Of course it wasn't for two days but Shouta wasn't the type of person to go into things unprepared. That's why he always brought his capture weapon with him wherever he went. Lord help the day that he forgot it and a problem arises.

Shouta took a sip of his coffee and immediately spat it out in disgust. He glared death at the blonde cockatoo that sat next to him who was watching on with an amused smirk.

He took a deep breath, sat the mug down, and looked to his husband while smiling, "Hizashi. I love you. I really do. And I thank you so much for thinking about me when getting me a new coffee maker. But the next time you swipe my coffee out for decaf, I'll rip your throat out and blame it on villains."

Shouta reveled in satisfaction as he watched a chill run down Hizashi's spine. "G-Got it."

Getting up to grab a new cup of coffee, he dumped the decaf down the sink and refilled it which actual coffee.

The next day had been surprisingly normal. 

He secretly observed his new class during other lessons to see how motivated they really were and was pleasantly surprised that they gave it their all.

Maybe this bunch was better than last years.

Shouta had to chew Bakugo out after All Might's battle training for using a lethal attack against another student. He could already tell that this one was going to be a massive problem child.

The massive amount of pride that the explosive blonde had was an obvious sign that no one had ever told him no before or told him he was wrong. Shouta would need to get that taken care of and show him that at UA, that wouldn't fly.

It was the third day of school that really made him irritated.

The students chose Iida to be class president with Yaoyorozu as his deputy. Little Iida was so grown up in gave him déjà vu when looking at him. He looked like Tensei did when they were in high school except with the addition of glasses. He was more stern than his brother and more tense. Shouta remembered babysitting him when he was younger.

That wasn't what got him irritated, though. It was the goddamn press that managed to break through the UA barrier and set off the alarms, all because they wanted an interview with All Might.

Personally, he thought it was a dumb idea to hire the number one hero to teach children. The oaf didn't even have a teachers license. He may have respected him as a hero, but it didn't mean he thought he was capable of teaching super powered teens.

And now, there was a target painted on UA's back where there would obviously be action. Nezu said he upped the security, but the barrier was still destroyed.

He and Hizashi managed to keep the crowd back until they left and the barrier was fixed and the cops arrived.

No one figured out who it was that caused it and it made Shouta a little uneasy. When they made it back in the building he was surprised that his students had worked together to calm the stampede.

Some students were hurt but they were sent to Recovery Girl and would be okay.

Now it was time for the USJ trip and he loaded everyone onto the bus. All Might wasn't there which irritated him further but he assumed it was because he was already there.

The uneasy feeling in his gut lingered and he was having trouble distracting himself from it. He decided to listen in on his students conversation where they were lightly teasing Bakugo about his Quirk and personality.

That was enough to humor him.

Thirteen waited for them outside and when he asked where All Might was he was told that he had wasted all his time that morning. It was still surreal that the number one hero was running out of time to save people.

"I guess we'll have to make do without him," He said as they entered the facility.

Except the next few moments were ones he would never forget for the rest of his life.


Ooooo a cliffhanger:):):)
I'm.... so weird.
Don't worry, Izuku won't be hurt too bad.
Just a little... banged up.
I know the constant change in point of view is probably strange but it's all important... at least in my mind.
I'm writing this while sitting on a very blue blanket while eating popcorn cuz I'm bored.
I hope everyone enjoys their week!
Thanks for Reading!

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