I Can't Get Him Out of My Mind

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(Trigger warning! Panic attack! Also my art)
I stared at the symmetrical lines of my text book while the bass in my ears became a faint vibration in my mind. That guy. What the hell? I can't stop thinking about him. He radiate this inhuman perfection that made me feel like he, himself was just a dream.
I outwardly sighed, and looked around the class room, none of my friends had this class with me, so I was all alone stuck in my head. Though while scanning the room my eyes laid on the new kid. Shit! How didn't I notice him!? He literally sticks out like a sore thumb. Damn it, if my heart wasn't going crazy before then it was going crazy now.
I've never felt this way before about anybody, not even about music! Actually... wait, no that's not true.
I jumped and jolted my head up looking at the teacher and all the students that were looking right at me. Even Zane. Shit! My head started to spin and I clutched the hem of my shirt. No! Shit!
"Cole, while you were dozing off, again, in my class I asked you to answer this question but since your head is up in the clouds, I think it would be better if you shake that cloud off by getting up and writing down your answer on the board... Do you understand me? Or do you need me to repeat myself in the form of a song, since that's seems to be the only way for you to listen to anything"
My heart sank, my breath was caught in my throat, I couldn't breathe!
Shit no! Not now! I can hear them laughing! They are all looking at me! I can't breathe! I can't!
I let out a small wheeze hardly heard by anyone. I'm shaking, I can't stop shaking. I can hear the teacher say something but it's fuzzy. In my ears all I can hear is a loud thumping of my heart. The pain of my nails digging into my thighs that I got through the rips on my pants didn't help my snap out of it. oh god, I need to ground myself. But none of my friends are here, they can't help me. No one else knows. Shit! Shit shitshitshitshitshit!
"Ms. ____, I would like to escort Cole outside the class for a moment. He seems to be having a-"
"Ugh, go ahead, god kids these days"
I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder, Zane whispers close to my ear
"Please come with me, you'll be okay, it's okay"
I hastily got out of my chair and grabbed my bag. Holding it close to my chest. I kept my head down as a quickly walked out of the room. I immediately fell to the cold tiles of the ground as soon as I was out of eye sight of all the other people. I pushed myself to the wall and violently grabbed and pulled my hair, I could hear Zane say something along the lines of "do you need help" and I gritted my teeth and let out a deep, raspy
"Don't. touch. me"
Oh god he's gonna leave because I said that, no wait don't! I don't want to be alone!
I looked up for a second and saw Zane sitting crisscross on the other side of the hallway, looking at me with concern. But not looking angry nor annoyed. I felt this wave of relief.
I'm not alone..
Another shaky, forced deep breath.
I'm not alone...

~wow, would you look at that a chapter! After 2 years! Crazy, I know. But yeah I decided to make this one a bit more. Intense, just because I feel like going through an intense experience with someone is somewhat soul bonding, if you know what I mean. But anyways yeah! I actually really enjoyed writing this and I hope you like it! Anyways!~


Heart Beats:  Glacier Ship (Cole x Zane) - NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now