Can I Join?

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Coles POV- 

      The loud ringing of the bell indicated that it was the end of the day. I sighed and slung my backpack over my shoulder and lingered in my chair long enough that all the other teenagers were done shoving each other out of the way to get out of class and free of school. I tried once to be the first one out of class, but that.. was probably the worst decision of my life, so many sweaty hands and bodies. ugh. 

      I scooted out of my chair and walked out into the semi-bustling hallway. I look right and Lloyd was shuffling himself out of the door, his head low, clearly looking out for any cheerleaders or football players. I turn to the left and I see Kai walk out with Jay talking about who knows what. I hear the familiar rev of a motorcycle outside the giant window that lined the walls of the school, where Nya could be seen sitting on her bike leaning her weight on one leg. She gestures towards us to follow her, a smile on her face. 

"Hey Cole! L-Lets go" Jay quietly yelled to me as he sped walked with Kai running and quickly catching up and excitedly opening his arms and throwing it over my shoulder. Pulling me in the direction of Lloyd. "How was your day, man! I heard that you freaked out earlier and a special someone came to hel-" I put my hand over his face and looked the other way, clearly flustered. "What the hell are you implying... I had one of my episodes and the new kid helped me that really about it" I said episodes with a gritty tone, not liking that word but also not knowing what else to call it. "Oh come on, we can all see it on your face, you like-" as soon as he said that, I saw in the corner of my eye the tall, white boy whos smile never seemed to falter. I let out a surprised noise and push Kais face roughly making Kai let out an aggravated "hey!" before looking at the same sweet smile. 

"Hello Cole, are you okay?" He worriedly smiled at me probably afraid of the people around me. I nodded nervously and chuckled "I'm um, I'm fine, these are my friends-" Kai decided to take it upon himself to introduce everyone, " What up! I'm Kai, this handsome boy right here's friend! That's Jay and the small blonde over there is Lloyd! And I can't forget my sister who's the one outside on OUR sick bike, Nice to meet you" He walked over to Zane and smiled "I wanna thank you for helping out my friend!" Zane seemed a little overwhelmed by Kais ecstatic energy but he still smiled, "well it's very nice to meet you, Kai. And no need to thank me, I simply did the bare minimum." Kai smiled widely and put his hands on the taller boys shoulders, "My aren't you just so humble, trust me my good friend, that's more then most people in this school have done for us, in the last, mmm three years we've been here." Kai gives him a hardy pat and then starts to walk past him to get to Jay who had stopped with Lloyd, waiting for the other two to join in. 

"We're friends?" Zane asked in a hopeful and yet confused voice. I glanced towards Kai who did a turn around and shot him finger guns, "Sure! Anything for Coles future b-" and he spun right back around and made a bolt for the door, grabbing Jay and Lloyd before he made it to the hot and humid air. Leaving me and Zane alone. I hate him. I hate him so much. Oh ho, just wait until we get to training, he's DEAD. 

Glowing blue looked down at me, and I'm more then certain he could tell how flustered I was and he went to touch to arm but immediately put it down. He spoke up, "do you know what he meant by-" "nothing!" I said with a little too much haste. I stutter for a minute and tried again, "sorry, I.. Don't know, he's just like that sometimes, I have the hardest time understanding him." Which wasn't UN-true, there have been so many pizza nights that have left him overwhelmed with the amount of wild, unfiltered energy that dude has. Kai is what I would call unhinged. Sometimes he just does shit that will push you until HE deems you have been pissed off enough. I'm pretty sure that's the brother in him. But he's also unapologetically caring. To the point where people have used that against him. 

I can't help but smile, looking out the window to my friends all playing around and laughing. Zane follows suit, looking out at them. He kept glancing at me, as if wanting to ask a question, but waiting for the cue to speak. "what?" 

"May, and I don't mean to intrude, but may I join you in accompanying your friends?"

I can't help but chuckle as I start to walk towards the door, "Of course. If you can handle us."

~I just got this random feeling of wanting to update so here you go, some character building and also ZANE ACTUALLY JOINING WITH THE GROUP!! Lets see how long it'll take before I update this again. I kinda wanna make art for this so lets see how that goes~




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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Heart Beats:  Glacier Ship (Cole x Zane) - NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now