But is the government lying to us? With everything that has sputtered out of control, I'm beginning to question the intentions of our government and our military even in a war. Who would hide an entire operation lead by women and driven by women. It sounds ridiculous.

More information on this topic floods out everyday, so much so it might become a fun little treat for us to even fantasize about such an idea. A stupid one.

Remington Garzoski

" What a bunch of bullshit!" grumbled Catherine slamming the paper shut as dinner, and scoffing.

" They really think we're spies, out of all things they can't believe for a second that women went to war? Oh just wait until this gets out and the entire world finally knows, I'd like to see every mans reaction that wasn't involved." Catherine said as Hazel shoveled in her meal like it were going out of style.

" Spies my ass, I'd be the worst, I get distracted by the mere thought of existence." Lizzie said.

" Thank you," Catherine said raising her hand in the air.

" All I know is that when the finally release the information on this bullshit, I won't give one crap what a man says to me, I'l wear that medal as if it were my birth right." Catherine said.

" Which it is." Hazel commented, swallowing her chicken.

" Got that right," Catherine said, " I just I hate the way they talk about us, us women, like were a disease. I mean, a woman birthed this asshole into the world, why can't he be appreciative?"

" Some men just don't think sometimes do they where they come from? Without a mother they wouldn't be alive, essentially." Lizzie said popping a grape into her mouth.

" Okay, someone tell what the fuck this is." a voice said and the group looked up to see George clambering in beside Catherine with the paper in his hands. George looked pissed.

" Ask Remington, George." Lizzie offered and George scoffed.

" This guy can't be serious, he sounds like a child." George said.

" Which he is." Hazel said as she inhaled another cup of water right down her throat. She was never hungrier.

" Which he is," George said, " I mean ' it's her husband's fight, not hers'? Get the fuck outta here, man, I call bull."

" Okay, okay," Lip said as he settled in next to Lizzie, " everyone has the paper now in their own hands, so if we just lower our voices."

" Oh c'mon, Lip, you gotta be a bit upset about it all." George said.

" Oh I am, I just know I can't show it to you all," Lip explained, " I still have to lead."

" He's got a point," Catherine offered, knocking George's shoulder lightly, " we just earned voting rights, I'm not sure when we'll finally earn that equal pay we've been hoping for."

" Yeah, just sucks ya know? You ladies went through all this training, you did so much and now even with the mere idea of a rumor of women in war and it's shut down like the idea of sliced bread." George said. The group watched him in the noisy cafeteria.

" Let them hate it, hate me, " Catherine said as she sipped her drink, " it's a taste of their own medicine for once. Seeing someone else actually doing something for the war instead of making up stupid rumors about nothing."

" Amen, sister." Lizzie said raising her own cup and taking a sip.

Amen was right.

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