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Felix Pov

Ok so changbin wouldn't admit that he was jealous, so let's see if he actually is. Today I'm going to prank him at school.

I am currently at school and i know changbin usually goes to the restroom during lunch so i have to be there before him. I told my friend Momo about the prank she doesn't have any feelings towards me because she is dating someone, so she is the perfect person.

I am currently in front of momo, while she is back against the lockers. We hear someone come and i turn slightly and see changbin. He has an angry face, but then his face turns really sad. He turns and runs away. I didn't miss the tears that he had on his face. I was so heart-broken and went after him.

"Changbin, Changbin.Wait" I shout at him but he keeps on running. I chase up to him and grab his arm and pull him into a hug. "I'm sorry it was just a prank to see if you were actually jealous of me with someone else. Please forgive me." "H-hik, w-why hic did you d-do it." "I'm sorry it's because you didn't want to admit that you were jealous of me being with someone so i wanted to find out for myself." "Y-yes" "Yes what" felix asked confused. "Yes I get jealous when you are with someone. I know I'm not suppose to because we're not together but I can't hold it back. I-im sorry." "Hey baby its ok. You can get jealous by a crush or by someone you like. I already told you I'm yours didn't I?" "Y-yes but i d-din't think you meant it." "Of course I meant it." He kissed changbin's forehead. "Come on we have to go to class." "Ok"

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