Chapter 36: Problems

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Hello Babes! New Chapter finally! Thank you The AwecimOneDJ for this idea! <3 -Taylor

~Dani’s POV~

Group Convo:

Aubrey: Girls lets go to a party tonight

Stephanie: I’m down

Stacey: Me too

Aubrey: Dani?

Me: Sure

Aubrey: Great! Party is at 8 girls!

~End of convo~

I sigh as I throw my phone on my bed. Since Lauren has been in a coma I have been hanging out with Aubrey, Stephanie, and Stacey. Not my best choice of friends since they are the girls who were bullying Lauren but oh well. I glance at the clock; its only 6 in the afternoon. What the hell should I do until the party? “DANI!” I snap out of my thoughts as someone screams my name. “WHAT!?” I reply sort of harsh. Lisa enters the room. “What’s up with you lately?” she asks. “Nothing, why?” I ask. “Well you’ve been acting like a….” “Bitch?” I ask. Lisa’s eyes widen. “Language Dani! But yeah a little bit lately.” She says. I roll my eyes. “What goes on in my life is none of your concern Lisa.” I say through gritted teeth. I get up and rummage through my closet. I spot one of Lauren’s favorite flannels. Tears spring my eyes at the thought of Lauren.

“Dani, your life is my concern, I’m your big sister.” She says. I blink my tears away and keep searching for my black dress. I find it, grab it and some heels. I walk towards the door but stop in my tracks. “I may be related to you, but you are not my sister. The only sister that actually worried about my was Lauren and she isn’t here now is she?” I say over my shoulder. I walk out and into the bathroom. I put on my dress, heels, and apply some make up. I curl my hair and then leave the bathroom. I enter my room again and spot Lisa curled up in a ball on her bed; her body shaking as she sobs. Guilt flashes over me but I quickly push it away and grab my leather jacket. I grab my phone and keys and once again leave my room. I walk downstairs and instantly run into Katherine. “Where are you going dressed like that?” she asks.

“None of your business” I spat. I walk past her and towards the door. “Danielle Nicole Cimorelli!” someone says rather loudly. I cringe at the usage of my full name. I turn around and am met with a pair of emerald green eyes. “Do I know you?” I ask crossing my arms. Hurt flashes through her eyes and I feel guilty but push past it. “You are out every damn night! For once stay home! Maybe go visit Lauren in the damn hospital!” she shouts. I roll my eyes. “I don’t have to listen to someone I don’t know.” I say and turn on my heel. I open the door and start to walk out when someone grabs my arm. “You are not leaving this house unless you tell one of us where the hell you’re going!” she shouts again. I look straight into her eyes. “Watch me.” I say getting my arm out of her grip and walking out the door. She screams after me but I continue to walk.

Me: Aubrey, mind if I come a bit early? Family is being total assholes.

Aubrey: Of course! I could use some help setting up!

Me: On my way.

~End Of Convo~

I walk to Aubrey’s and knock on her door. “Dani hey! Come in!” she greets me. She is wearing a short red dress, red heels, and her hair is straightened. I help her set up for the party and a few minutes after we finish people arrive. Aubrey hands me a drink. I sniff the drink and smell alcohol. I shake my head and hand it back to her. “I don’t drink.” I say. She frowns. “C’mon Dani, Lighten up! What’s one drink gonna do?” she asks. She is right. One drink wouldn’t hurt. She hands it back to me and I down the drink feeling it burn my throat. She hands me another, and another, and another, and another, until five drinks later I’m drunk off my ass. An hour or two later I decide to head home, or try at least. I make my way out of the house and walk my way to a corner store near my house. I walk up to the cashier. “Pack of cigarettes please.” I say without slurring my words. “ID please.” He says. I roll my eyes and take out my fake ID. I hand it to him, he checks it and nods handing me a pack. I pay for it and a lighter. I walk outside and lean against the wall. I pull out a cigarette and light it up inhaling the smoke. I close my eyes as I blow the smoke back out.


~Taylor’s POV~

“AMY!” I shout through the house. “Yeah Tay?” Amy says walking up to me. “Want to go walk around for a bit, maybe get a bite to eat? I need to clear my head a bit.” I ask hopefully. She laughs at my hopefulness. “C’mon lets go.” She says. I grab my skateboard and she grabs hers as we head out the door. It’s almost eleven at night and Dani still hasn’t called or anything. Something isn’t right and I will find out. “Yo! Tay!” I hear behind Amy and I. I turn my head and see Nate skating toward us. I smile. “Hey Nate!” I say as he skates up next to me. “What are you ladies doing out so late?” he asks. “Clearing my head and made Ames tag along.” I say. He nods. “Hey, come with me to the corner store?” he asks. I look at Amy who nods. “Sure, lets go.” I say. As we get closer we hop off our boards and start walking. I spot a girl in a leather jacket, black dress, and black heels. With hair that looks exactly like Dani’s exit the store lighting up a cigarette. Please don’t be her.

“Dani?” I say, as we get closer. She looks up and stare right at me. “Shit.” She mumbles. “Dani what the hell are you doing!?” I exclaim walking up to her and taking the lit cigarette and pack out of her hands. I throw the cigarette on the grown and smash it. “Hey! I wasn’t finished with that!” she complains, her words slurring slightly. “Please don’t tell me you’re fucking drunk too.” I say sighing. I look over at Amy and her eyes are wide. “What’s it to you?” she asks. “What’s it to me? What’s it to me? Really Dani? Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that my fifteen year old little sister is smoking and is FUCKING DRUNK!” I scream. “Whatever.” She says starting to walk away. “Oh hell no, you are not walking away.” I say grabbing her arm. “Let’s go, I’m taking you home.” I say dragging her along with me as Amy and Nate follow behind me. When we get home Nate leaves and I drag Dani upstairs and into our room. Amy closes the door behind her and I sit Dani on Lauren and I’s bed. “Start talking Dani, We are not leaving this room or sleeping until you do.” I say crossing my arms standing in front of her. She’s silent for a while until I hear a sniffle. My face softens slightly but I don’t move. “It’s just so much.” She says in a whisper. “What’s too much Dani?” Amy asks. “Lauren not being awake, the fact that she is even in the hospital kills me.,” she says.

“So you think going out every fucking night, partying, drinking, doing drugs, whatever is the way to deal with it? Do you see any of us doing shit like that? What you’re doing is stupid Dani and so fucking wrong.” I snap. “Taylor.” I hear Amy say as she rests her hand on my shoulder. I look at her and I sigh. I look back and Dani and crouch down in front of her.  “This isn’t the way of coping Dani. No more of this okay? Let me or Amy in. Well more Amy since you don’t want me in your life. Just let one of your older sisters in. I know you normally only let Lauren in but you have to let it out other then doing the things you have done. You know damn well Lauren would be so disappointed in you but would understand. No more okay?” I say softly. She nods sniffling again. I sigh again and kiss her forehead as I stand back up. I turn to Amy. “This stays between us, okay?” I say and she nods. Soon after she gets a text. “Oh my god.” She says covering her mouth with her hand. “What?” I ask walking over to her and reading the text message.

Christina: Lauren’s awake. Downstairs in five minutes.

“Holy Crap.” I say. “What?” Dani asks sniffling, looking more sober now.

“Lauren’s Awake.”

So That happened.

What'd you think?

Will Lauren remember them?

Will Dani's secret stay a secret?

Will Dani continue doing all those things even though Lauren is awake?

Next Chapter Is Called: She's Awake

What do you think will happen next?

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Love ya babes! <3

-Kisses Taylor

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