Chapter 5: Tauren Moment & Tani Moment

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I wake up but don’t open my eyes, I hear people talking.

“Look at them! They are so cute!” Lisa gushes. “Even though we haven’t known Taylor more then a day it feels like we have known her our whole life.” Amy says. “She is so protective of Lauren and Dani.” Chrissy says.

“She has all of us in her in some way, she fits in perfectly. I’m glad we finally have our other little sister back.” Katherine says. I couldn’t help but smile and slowly open my eyes. “Hey guys.” I say sleepily.  “Hey Tay.” Amy says. “How long have we been asleep?” I ask. “Well when Dani and I came in here to sleep you guys were already asleep and that was around eleven and now it eight in the morning.” Lisa says. Speaking of Dani where is she?

“Guys where’s Dani?” I ask. “Outside with the boys.” Chrissy says. I nod. I look down slightly and see Lauren still asleep and clinging to me. I carefully get out of her grip and out of bed. “Let her sleep, I know she was up later then I was.” I tell them. “How do you know?” Lisa asks. “Lise, I’m her twin plus I didn’t fall asleep till around one in the morning.” I say. “How come?” Katherine asks me. “I wanted to make sure she was asleep and didn’t wake up at all.” I tell her. She smiles and nods.

“I’m going to go talk to Dani.” I say grabbing a hoodie and sweatpants. I walk into the bathroom and change into them, then throw my hair up in a ponytail, and put on my glasses so I can finally see clearly. I don’t always have to wear glasses but when I wake up I do just to see well. I walk back into the room and find a pair of my many converses. I put them on and go down stairs. As I walk past the living room the girls look at me. “What?” I ask. “You wear glasses?” Lisa asks. “Yes and no. I wear them only for a few hours after I wake up, I don’t really need them but I prefer to wear them in the mornings, when I’m reading, or working on something.” I explain. They just nod. I walk out into the backyard and my three little brothers immediately attack me. “Morning guys.” I say hugging them. “Morning Taylor.” They say. I smile. “Where’s Dani?” I ask them. Nick points to the swings. “Thanks.” I say ruffling his hair and walk towards Dani.

“Hey Dani, can we talk?” I ask her as I sit on the swing next to her. She nods her head. I stand up and go in front of her bending down to her level. “Dani listen to me okay?” I say. She looks at me with sadden eyes. I knew this was going to happen. “I know what your thinking. Now that Lauren has her twin back she is going to replace you. Am I right?” I say. She slowly nods her head.

“Dani there is no way Lauren can replace you, you guys are sugar and spice nothing will ever break that. And I will sure not let it. Sure I want to have a bond with my twin sister but that doesn’t mean I’m going to steal her from you, plus I don’t just want a bond with her I want a strong bond with you as well.” I say looking into her green eyes. Her eyes widen in shock to what I said.

“Ever since I became a fan of you guys I always envied you and Lauren’s bond for one reason I knew I would never have that bond with someone because I was brought up as an only child. And I promised myself that when I met you guys I would become best friends with Lauren and you. But to me you would be more like a little sister. Turns out both you and Lauren are my baby sisters and I will do anything in my power to make you both happy and protect you with all my strength. Don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t do anything for you because I would in a heartbeat. Dani I want you to know that if you need someone to talk to day or night come to me, also know that even if I’m busy with something and you want to go somewhere or just spend time with me I will drop everything I was doing and take you where you want to go or let you join me in whatever I was doing. Always know that I am your shoulder to cry on if you need it. Even if you say or do something you didn’t mean to do I wouldn’t be mad nor will I hate you for it, I couldn’t hate you even if I tried. I love you Dani and I always will no matter what.” I say with tears threatening to leave my eyes. Dani is in tears also. I stand up and wipe my tears from my eyes. Dani springs up and jumps into my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist and hides her face in my shoulder. I slowly put her on her feet and hug her tightly. I smooth down her hair as she cries onto my shirt.

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