Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

First off, thank you *so so much* for checking out my story and giving it a chance. It's been an idea tumbling around in my head for years now but being stuck inside for quarantine for three months has finally pushed me to write it. (I guess quarantine did something good for me -_-)

Anyway, this is the full-length story which is still in the process of being edited. I've used Wattpad for years and I thoroughly love it for readers and writers alike so I thought, why not try to post my own stuff on here? My main goal is to get some feedback, keep on editing, and figure out what wonderful people like you like and dislike about the story so I can fine tune it and *hopefully* get it published some day. So yeah, that's my blurb.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving this a shot and please let me know what you think. I'm all open ears and eager to learn here.

Now, for important information pertaining to the story. It has been fully written already though, like I said, I am still actively editing it. So, I plan to upload one chapter every week until it's complete. I am starting my first posting off with the first three chapters today, just to give you guys something juicy to start with. I'm planning to upload every Tuesday, so look for new chapters then! Until then, enjoy the story and let me know what you think.(:

Oh! I have also attached the full-sized book cover I made and in Chapter 1, I will be attaching the pictures I have used as references to my two main characters, Laina and Royce.

Okay. I think that's all for now. Please enjoy! Vote! Comment! And tell me what you think! I super duper really appreciate it. Seriously, like you have no idea. -^-^-

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