
School had already started. Lucky, Shiny and Dragonfly stood outside the school building.
"Okay sisters, let's make up a plan. "Dragonfly said. "Let's go to our normal lessons at first. And then let's meet up in the library to look for scrolls. Easy plan. We'll meet up before lunch. " Dragonfly explained.
"Got it." Shiny said. Lucky nodded.
"Good. And remember to act normal!" Dragonfly said. And they walked into the school.

Dragonfly's lesson was with Professor Moss. When Dragonfly entered the classroom Professor Moss was standing beside a large map of the mudwings's muscles. Professor Moss was just explaining something to class.
"Oh, Dragonfly, I see you have decided to jump in." Professor Moss said looking rather dull.
Rusty gave her a confusing look.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Take a seat." Professor Moss said. Dragonfly sat down.
The following lesson was long and boring. Professor Moss didn't do anything but talk. On and on and on.
When the lesson finally was over, Dragonfly hurried out the classroom.
"Hey! Wait up!" Rusty called. "Hey!" A little angrier this time.
Dragonfly turned.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Rusty asked.
"I need to get to the library." Dragonfly said. Rusty chuckled quietly.
"Okay why didn't you just tell me? If you're in such a hurry let's just go!" Rusty said.
The library was big, dusty and empty. Dragonfly began the long journey through the labyrinth of scrolls.
"Hey why are you walking so fast!" "Dragonfly! Dragonfly answer me!" Rusty cried as she dragged Dragonfly behind a shelf.
"What is up with you today? You are acting strange like crazy! If something is wrong you got to tell me. Is it me? Have I done something? Don't you wanna be my friend anymore? Or WHAT?" Rusty said.
"No no NO! You are getting it all wrong! You are my best friend Rusty! It's just... something has happened." Rusty looked worried. Dragonfly wondered whenever she should tell Rusty or not. And where was Shiny and Lucky?
And she told Rusty about Newt, Gloria, their mother and their plan.
"Seriously? Dragonfly, why didn't you tell me!? This is HUGE!" Rusty said. "And you can't be serious about doing this all alone! I'm so coming with you!" Rusty said.
"No! No you're not! Rusty it's too dangerous!" Dragonfly said.
"Oh don't you bring that "it's to dangerous" upon me. We both know that is scavenger shit." Rusty said.
Okay she is right.
"You're...you're...you're so right! I know I know... but it's still dangerous!"
"Yes! And I'm STILL going!" Rusty said.
"But what about school Rusty! You've got to go to school!" Dragonfly argued.
"And so does you!" Rusty said. "And I don't care what you think. I'm going anyways."
Dragonfly could do nothing to stop her. Dragonfly signed silently. Now, where is Shiny and Lucky?
Right at that thought, Dragonfly turned behind a shelf to see Shiny and Lucky there, both looking anxious, by the entrance to the library.
They caught Dragonfly's eyes and looked even more anxious. Shiny hurried forward.
"Where have you been!" Dragonfly whispered, uneasy. "It's gone too long!"
Lucky caught up beside Shiny. "We're so sorry!" Shiny cried.
"Duchess got in the way." Lucky said.
"Shiny, why didn't you do anything?" Dragonfly asked.
"I tried. Believe me, I tried." Shiny sighed.
"Well, let's get to work then!" Dragonfly said.
They searched through shelf after shelf, barely finding anything.
Dragonfly finally decided to take the risk to ask Grotcha the librarian.
Grotcha was a big dark brown coloured MudWing. She had a pair of dirty old golden spectacles. She was old and wise, and remembered every story she'd ever read. Her memory was outstanding.
"Er... Grotcha?" Dragonfly tried. Grotcha looked up from A History Of MudWings with her small eyes.
"Yes my child, what can I do for you?" Grotcha asked. Dragonfly walked up to her desk.
"Do you have any scrolls about...er... survival?" Dragonfly said. Grotcha looked surprised.
" That was the most surprising request. Yes of course my child, but tell me what do you need scrolls about survival for?" Grotcha asked curiously.
"Just interested. If something happened- I want to be prepared. Extra prepared." Dragonfly added "extra prepared" after Grotcha's suspicious face. Every dragon had survival instincts in their blood.
Grotcha rose from her seat leaving A History Of MudWings behind.
"Follow me." Grotcha mumbled. After searching a few shelf's Grotcha found the right one.
"Here you are. All the scrolls about survival and such." Grotcha muttered. Grotcha left Dragonfly lonely with the dust and scrolls surrounding her. Instantly, she began her search for good useful scrolls.
The thick layer of dust made Dragonfly choke, but she didn't stop looking. She had to continue. She must continue.
Dragonfly's eyes moved from shelf to shelf, desperately looking for something useful.
And there it was. A old looking scroll, but it was useful. Dragonfly fast-read the scroll. A wave of belief and maybe even hope flowed through her body.
"Yes!" She exclaimed quietly to herself. She half-ran back to Grotcha the librarian because well, it was a library after all. Grotcha's tiny eyes looked up suspiciously at Dragonfly.
"Here. I would like to borrow this. Please. " Dragonfly said. Grotcha muttered a short answer as she began to write down Dragonfly's name and which scroll she wanted to borrow. "There you go. And no running in the library." Grotcha said eyeing Dragonfly. She nodded and almost ran into Shiny on her way back.
"There you are!" Shiny said. "Oh, she is here!" Shiny turned her head as she said that. Then back at Dragonfly.
"Follow me. Found anything useful?"


Rusty and Lucky were waiting outside the school building. Rusty carried one scroll. It looked short and old. Lucky standing next to her, looked anxious, carried...it looked like, maybe twelve scrolls?
As soon as Lucky's eyes found hers her face softened.
"Okey, so did you guys find anything useful?" Dragonfly asked.
"What does it look like? Of course we did! But we don't have time for chatting now! We need to go, fly before it gets dark!" Lucky burst out. "And before another teacher gets here." Rusty added quietly.
No one said a word. At first, Dragonfly was surprised and maybe even a little irritated. But then she looked at Lucky with big eyes and she understood, Lucky took this as seriously as she did.
"So? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Lucky blurted.
And so they ran after Lucky, who was slowed down by the weight of her twelve scrolls, towards the hut.

The hut smelled heavily of dead animals. Of course it did, it always did, but it was still a surprise every time you walked in there. The four of them stood tucked in the doorway looking at the pile of smelling dead animals.
"Well, we got no time so stand here and stare." Dragonfly said walking towards the pile. It seemed to wake the others up. She walked in took a firm bite in a pig and carried it outside. The others see and to follow her example.
When the pile was outside instead of inside they divided the weight equally.
Finally. Finally the were ready to take flight. And so they spread their wings wide and took flight into their greatest journey.

FLAME OF LIFE- A wings of fire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now