On My Way, Part 4

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She felt free. The wind roaring in her ears, cold air brushing against her scales, she loved it. But the thought of her little brother gone somewhere alone and scared, the thoughts of her mother worrying, the thought of Gloria all alone somewhere, and the thought of her father, who didn't even know. He had no clue whatsoever no worried feelings nor thoughts. It tore her down. Her father was going to arrive home to find no one. Absolutely no one welcoming him home. It was devastating. And she was desperate.
"Please, can we stop? I can't take another minute!" And yet another roar of tiredness coming from Rusty. Her words where hard to hear over the wind but Dragonfly understood what they meant. She wanted to take a break. Again.
And again, she was not going to let her.
Then she heard a different roar-from a different dragon.
"Please Dragonfly! We're tired!" Shiny roared. Her tiny voice sounded pathetic over the howling wind.
"Yes! A break, please!" Lucky claimed in. Dragonfly rolled her eyes. She had to give in.
"Okey! Let me just find a good place to land! " she roared back. Dragonfly didn't want to land. She wanted to find to her brother.


The pig tasted good. They had found a pleasant place to stay on for a while. It contained the most charming little hanging tree and strongly coloured pink flowers. After sitting down and breathing for about five minutes, they decided they would spend the whole night there. No one wanted to fly in the darkness of night.
Even though Dragonfly wanted to continue, her limbs and muscles refused.
A blood red sun peeked from behind the orange and pink clouds. The clouds that floated around hiding the night sky behind them.

She took another bite of the flavoursome roasted pig.
"Would you take a look at that blood red sun," Rusty said. "It's like Odd's bleeding snout after he fell from that cliff." Rusty added. "And this pig is amazing."
Lucky looked up from her scroll with tiny eyes. What was she reading about? , Dragonfly wondered.
"I'm so very tired." Shiny mumbled as she laid down. She closed her eyes.
"So...who will take first watch?" Rusty asked excitedly.
"Me." Dragonfly replied. She wasn't tired. She was restless. She needed something to do.
"Great! I'll happily take second." Offered Lucky. Dragonfly nodded approvingly.
"I'm third then I guess." Rusty stated.
They didn't talk much longer. Slowly, Rusty and Lucky fell asleep. The night was quiet. Dragonfly burned a piece of bark to make a fire. The flames spread high with their burning red and yellow colour. The smell of burnt bark filled the air. She caught something moving in the bushes. She rose, slowly moving towards the bushes. Curious, scared and hopeful for a midnight snack. The bush's green leafs rattled one more time. And then, nothing. Not even a bunny. She sighed. Taking first watch was boring. The night was boring. So she decided to explore the world behind the rattling bushes.
A quick jump and she was on the other side. The light from the fire did not reach here. The woods looked dark and spooky with their long arms and green-grey leafs. She turned her head to look back at the safe fireplace with her two sisters and one friend sleeping.
I will not go too far. I'll be back in a minute.
She found a glade bathing in the moons' shimmery light. She stood in the middle of the glade, glancing up at the three moons. They know so much more about life and the universe than anyone, Dragonfly thought.
She unhurriedly spread her wings wide. In later than a second, she was in the cold night air.
Woah. Everything bathed in moonlight.  A wolf howled in the dark.
She caught a dragon flying over the bright moons. She could hear the heavy wing beats. Suddenly the dragon caught her glaze and abruptly stopped in midair. With eyes as big as the moons, he looked at something in fear behind Dragonfly. He pointed hysterically behind Dragonfly. She gave him a confused glaze. Then she smelled the burning smell of smoke.
The stranger dragon turned and flied away.
Dragonfly turned in complete fear of what was behind her. And there it was, the biggest wildfire she had ever seen. Lucky! Shiny! Rusty! , her mind shrieked. She dove into the deadly flames.
Roaring drastically, she tried to find her companions. She felt tears burning in her eyelids. The smoke chocked Dragonfly, her lungs screamed after oxygen.
"Shiny! Rusty! Lucky!" She roared until her voice broke. The thought of her companions dead killed her. She screamed.
"Here!" Shiny's voice roared. Belief rinsed over her. "Here!" Shiny screamed again.
Dragonfly ran deeper into the forest.
"Ahh!" Dragonfly screamed. She could feel how the flames licked her scales. She ran and ran.
"Here!" Shiny roared again. The voice sounded louder and nearer. There they were, Rusty and Shiny stood there with bloodshot eyes and tears burning. Lucky looked unconscious.
"Help! Quickly!" Shiny barked.
They carried Lucky together out of the forest. Once they were out of the forest, they could fly away.
Dragonfly's muscles screamed. The flames had all left them wounds. Dragonfly's wings had holes burnt by the wildfire. She had never felt pain this way before. This piercing pain that confused her mind. Her lungs hurt, crying hurt, and her mind felt all fuzzy. Black silhouettes danced in front of her eyes.
There, with belief, she saw a little river below them, unharmed.


They bathed Lucky in the ice cold water. She still would not wake up. Dragonfly was just as worried about her as the others. Please wake up, Dragonfly thought. She had to wake up!
Dragonfly panicked.
"Dragonfly, are you okey? " Shiny asked worriedly. "She is going to wake up," Shiny said. "She has to wake up."
"What if she doesn't? Then...then I've killed my own sister! I could never live with that! I'm... I'm..." Dragonfly felt tears rolling down her cheeks. "Dragonfly, it's not your fault. You have to remember that-" Rusty said. "No! Rusty, no! I had first watch! I had first watch! I was supposed to watch you... I was a fool... I should never have..." Dragonfly's voice broke out in sobs. She saw her sister's sleeping face. She looked so peaceful. She sobbed. "Please...Lucky...come back." Dragonfly sobbed. "I'm sorry...so sorry.."
This was a different kind of pain. Dragonfly felt knives of regret, sorrow and fear kept stabbing her. The other kind of pain disappeared after a while. This one stayed, wouldn't let go. This pain was devastating, and so much worse.


The little river was now coloured of dragon blood. The powerful sobs and cries were now gone but the pain still as heavy.
Lucky was now clean of bloody wounds, and her breathing was peaceful. All that was left was to wait. Large amounts of smoke had descended from the burning forest. She hoped that no other dragon was hurt in the fire. It was quiet. Rusty was quiet. Shiny was quiet. From time to time you could hear quiet sobs from her. It was a long night.
The horrible thought had come to her mind, and she hoped with all her will that it was not true. What if Marron was in that forest? He and Newt, and they couldn't find their way out? Then she would be a killer of not only her sister, but also her brother. What if her mother was there? What if she died in the wildfire? Dragonfly didn't know what to do. And the knives continued to stab her.

Dragonfly was in the void of darkness. She didn't want to go there, but her sorrow pushed her over the edge.
She had fought with the void in the past, when her classmates bullied her at school because of her strange scales. But then Gloria and her mother was there to help her. The void didn't get to swallow her that time. Now was another time. She didn't even try to stop it. She fell deeper and deeper. All her dark memories and thoughts took over her muscles. Made them tired. When she didn't thought she could fall any deeper she heard a voice.
"Dragonfly. Stop it. Find strength. Or this will be the end." Dragonfly looked up. She could see nothing but darkness. It was cold, but the voice warmed her. "Get up. Don't let this break you down. Find warmth. Find strength. Find power. "
Dragonfly rose. She stood on nothing, it was after all, a dark deep void.
"Feel your wings. Feel your power. Let it flow through you." She spread her wings wide.
"Now, open your eyes. Open your eyes, Dragonfly. " She opened them.
The sun climbed it was up the morning sky.
"Have I missed something?"
Could it be?
Lucky sat up straight, with morning tired eyes seeking the eyes of her companions. And she caught them.

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