"But it probably doesn't fit me."

"Just try it on. You need a bathing suit in order to swim with us. And its no fun without you. So please try it on."


"Yupee! Now go into the changing room. I'll be waiting for you here."

That encouragement wasn't enough to make you feel secured. You still felt insecure about the situation. The bathing suit looked too sexy for you and it looked quite extreme. Its definitely out of your league, way off, totally different from your style. But you also don't want to sit and watch everyone else have fun. You hate being put aside. So you gaved it a try.

After putting it on, you looked at yourself at the mirror. Surprisingly, it fits you. Your curves were more complex than before, and your skin was well toned. It wasn't too tight, and it actaully felt smooth. You fell in love with it. But then you thought about being in public. Maybe it is too much.

You changed back to your clothing and got put to see Totty waiting with a grin. And a mischivious grin. What could he be hiding?

"So did it fit?" He asked, sounding more rhetorical than curious.

"Um..yeah. But I think its too much."

"Oh please. You know dang well it looked amazing on you queen! Now let's go back with everyone else. Theya re waiting for us."

"Wait! What about the bathing suit? I have to put it back-"

"I paid for it."

"....you did what now?"

"You heard me right sweetie! Let's go."

"I can't believe this motherfu-"


*whistle* "how's it going?" Osomatsu whistled at a girl. She stared at him than quickly looked away with a disgusted face.

"Osomatsu, pls don't." You told him.

"Hey! It's summer! Let me enjoy it while it lasts!" He said optimistically.

"You are too hopeful..." Choromatsu added.

"Here's a spot!!!" Jyushi pointed at an empty spot where we can sit down.

"Nice work!" Kara chanted in English.

Ichi, Kara, and Choro helped put the stuff in place. You and Totty were chatting for a bit, while Jyushi was playing with the baby in the sand. Oso was already walking around, flirting with every girl he sees as hot.

"Why are you wearing a light coat on? You have a bathing suit on." Totty asked confused.

"Exactly!" You whispered loudly.

"I still don't get it."

"Listen. I'm very ashamed of my body and I don't like to reveal it in public. So I'm wearing this for now until we actaully go swimming." You explained.

"But Y/N, you have nothing to be ashamed. You are beautiful the way you are. Why should it matter what others think?"

"I just don't feel beautiful sometimes."

"Will it make you feel better if I told you Kara thinks your hot?" Yotty smirked.

"Wha?" You were stone-faced. You definitely did not expect to hear that.

"It's true. Kara would sometimes talk about you when you are out of the house. In fact, he would write small letters about you and poems for you. He never stops doing that every night." Totty continued.

Karamatsu x Reader (Single Dad AU)Where stories live. Discover now